Convertir des fichiers WMA en MP3
Comment faire pour convertir facilement des WMA en MP3 sous Linux
Pré requis logiciels
Les logiciels suivants doivent etre presents :
- perl
- mplayer
- lame
Le script
#! /usr/bin/perl ### WMA TO MP3 CONVERTER $dir=`pwd`; ## READ EACH FILE, IF WMA, MAKE A "COPY" TO WAV THEN TO MP3 THEN DELETE WMA chop($dir); opendir(checkdir,"$dir"); while ($file=readdir(checkdir)) { $orig_file=$file; if ($orig_file !~ /\\.wma$/i) {next}; print "Checking file: $orig_file
$new_wav_file=$orig_file;$new_wav_file=~s/\\.wma/\\.wav/; $new_mp3_file=$orig_file;$new_mp3_file=~s/\\.wma/\\.mp3/; $convert_to_wav="mplayer \\"./$orig_file\\" -ao pcm -aofile \\"./$new_wav_file\\""; $convert_to_mp3="lame -h \\"./$new_wav_file\\" \\"./$new_mp3_file\\""; $remove_wav="rm -rf \\"./$new_wav_file\\""; print "EXEC 1: $convert_to_wav
$cmd=`$convert_to_wav`; print "EXEC 2: $convert_to_mp3
$cmd=`$convert_to_mp3`; print "REMOVE WAV: $remove_wav
$cmd=`$remove_wav`; print "
} print "Done.";