Welcome to OpenShot 2.5.0
Un peu en avance par rapport au Printemps (quoique !), je vous annonce la sortie (et donc la disponibilité ) de la nouvelle version d’OpenShot 2.5.0. Cette version est la plus grande sortie à ce jour, ce qui a posé pas mal de problèmes à Jonathan avant de finaliser la version stable. Et commençons par le commencement.
Support expérimental pour Encodage/Décodage avec GPU
C’est certainement la plus grande fonctionnalité de cette nouvelle version, à condition, bien entendu, d’avoir une carte graphique qui supporte cette fonctionnalité. Par défaut, c’est le CPU qui est activé. Pour bénéficier de cette fonction, vous devez vous rendre dans les Préférences, onglet Performance. Choisissez ensuite soit VDPAU soit VA-API en fonction de votre carte graphique. A ceci, s’ajoute dans la fenêtre d’exportation des Vidéos de nouvelles options utilisables basé sur le choix que vous avez fait dans les Préférences . Vous pouvez maintenant gagner 30/40 % en performance. C’est pas négligeable.
Réécriture totale du système d’images clés
Le système des images clés a été totalement réécrit afin de fournir des valeurs d’interpolation en temps réel et ne plus mettre en cache l’ensemble de ces valeurs. Grâce à cela, les performances devraient être beaucoup plus rapides sur les projets contenant de longs ou de nombreux clips.
Import et Export en EDL et XML vers Adobe Premiere et Final Cut Pro
Pour la première fois, OpenShot peut désormais importer et exporter des données dans des formats largement pris en charge dans le monde professionnel de la Vidéo. Notre support EDL fonctionne avec de nombreux éditeurs vidéo et prend en charge les données de base de la chronologie (fichiers, clips, certaines images clés, transitions, etc.). Le format XML est aussi pris en charge dans Final Cut Pro, mais également de nombreux autres produits prennent en charge ce format. Il contient également les données de base de la chronologie (fichiers, clips, certaines images clés et plusieurs pistes). Le format XML est de loin plus avancé et prend en charge plus de fonctionnalités d’OpenShot.
Support de Blender 2.8+
La version de Blender 2.8+ a introduit un nouveau format *.blend et cette version d’OpenShot est compatible avec. La plupart de nos Titres Animés ont été soit corrigé soit récréer à partir de zéro.
Amélioration de la génération des miniatures
Sur les versions précédentes, la génération des miniatures était un système très fragile. Lorsqu’un dossier était déplacé ou même renommé, il était probable que de nombreuses miniatures associées à celui-ci soient inexistantes. Cela a maintenant été corrigé de plusieurs façons. Les projets ont désormais des dossiers de ressources uniques et les miniatures sont désormais générées à l’aide d’un serveur HTTP local, vérifient plusieurs emplacements de dossier et peuvent régénérer ceux qui manquent.
Amélioration de la sauvegarde et de la récupération automatique
L’un des types de problèmes les plus effrayants qu’un utilisateur peut rencontrer est la perte d’énormes quantités de données, en supprimant peut-être tout de leur chronologie (en cas d’accident), puis en enregistrant automatiquement en cours d’exécution. Maintenant, avant chaque enregistrement, une copie de l’ensemble du projet * .osp est copiée dans un dossier de récupération. Nous ne stockons qu’une quantité limitée de fichiers de récupération, mais les utilisateurs pourront désormais facilement récupérer une ancienne version et la copier à l’emplacement du dossier de sauvegarde d’origine. Bien que ce ne soit pas parfait, cela permettra, espérons-le, d’éviter des pertes de données massives et donnera aux utilisateurs plus d’options pour récupérer les versions précédentes d’un projet… même lorsque le système d’annulation / de rétablissement et le système d’enregistrement automatique échouent.
- Meilleure prise en charge du SVG principalement pour OSX et les vieilles distributions Linux.
- Amélioration du redimensionnement du lecteur vidéo. OpenShot vérifie si elle est divisible par 2 afin d’éviter les scintillements des lignes et des barres sur les cotés.
- Amélioration de l’exportation
- Suppression de l’envoie automatique des données anonymes métriques. L’utilisateur doit maintenant activé leurs envoies afin de les partager avec les développeurs d’OpenShot, si tel est sa volonté.
- Diverses petites améliorations multi-plateformes.
Vu que le travail sur cette version a été énorme, je ne peux résister à vous mettre la liste de toutes les modifications apportées à cette version.
75632f3 2020-01-13 Jonathan Thomas For Mac, preferences should try and append AppBundle executable name for common apps (Blender, Inkscape) HEAD -> release-20200105, origin/release-20200105 e4d79f6 2020-01-13 Jonathan Thomas Bumping version to 2.5.0 (large bump from the previous version, but due to the extensive changes) 27bf096 2020-01-10 FeRD (Frank Dana) main_window: Code style (indentation, exceptions) 87211f7 2020-01-09 Jonathan Thomas Updating some Linux dependencies missing in AppImage 83c4563 2020-01-08 Jonathan Thomas Fixing Windows powershell escaped char in 'git log' call f2bc30b 2020-01-08 FeRD (Frank Dana) launch.py: Fix command-line output d35dc53 2020-01-08 Jonathan Thomas Testing a better way to generate git logs from the current commit to the previous tag. During a release, we tag the current commit during the publishing, and then it starts detecting no changes (since we are ON the current tag). 0cb9751 2020-01-08 Jonathan Thomas Don't read the changelog more than 1 time (when testing different encodings) f840d6d 2020-01-08 Jonathan Thomas Stopping video playback when opening a project, trying to simplify some edge cases (no need for continous playback during switching project files, lol) 2ebef94 2020-01-07 Jonathan Thomas Attempt to fix invalid `resources` folder in Mac App Bundle e276d62 2020-01-07 Jonathan Thomas Add queue for sending metrics, and disable metrics completely on initial launch. Once the user has opted in, flush the queue and send all metrics which are queued. If the user doesn't opt-in, we send no metrics at all. 8aeda71 2020-01-07 Jonathan Thomas Adding a version for Unity importing... trying to get rid of an error I keep seeing related to this. fd620f4 2020-01-07 Jonathan Thomas Updating rescale_keyframes() method to not modify the current project. This allows the Export dialog to make a copy of the rescaled keyframes, and not modify the active project when exporting to a different FPS. Now Export feels much safer, because it doesn't modify project data. 0cf6539 2020-01-06 Jonathan Thomas Fixing keyframe rescale issue after an export is completed (we were scaling all keyframes twice on accident) 67d6a76 2020-01-06 Jonathan Thomas Adding libopenshot version to About dialog 5dbb993 2020-01-05 Jonathan Thomas Removing verbose debug statement when getting properties for property dialog (which happens as the user scrubs the timeline) eb98bf6 2020-01-05 Jonathan Thomas Bump version to 2.4.5 (minimum libopenshot version: 0.2.4) c6e5ee7 2020-01-03 Jonathan Thomas Remove spaces from effect icon file paths (i.e. Color Shift -> ColorShift) origin/update-image-cache, update-image-cache 95806f9 2020-01-03 Jonathan Thomas More debugging 8d7050d 2020-01-03 Jonathan Thomas Refactoring to always create HTTP server bf028d1 2020-01-03 Jonathan Thomas Adding additional logging to startup, to determine why Travis is hanging hopefully ec3f7b1 2020-01-03 Jonathan Thomas Trying to ensure socket used for port detection is closed before starting the HTTP thumbnail sever. ef4e8c4 2020-01-03 Jonathan Thomas Fixing a thumbnail server race condition ef9549f 2020-01-03 Jonathan Thomas Refreshing cache images, including new blender thumbnails, and updated title thumbnails (after some of the tweaks to titles) f514fb0 2020-01-03 Jonathan Thomas Updating cache generation logic to use 85% PNG compression, to reduce the size of cache images (used by titles, transitions, effects, animated titles, etc...). This reduces at least 20 MB of images of included assets in OpenShot distribution packages. 27ce9c0 2020-01-03 Jonathan Thomas Removing feColorMatrix effect from a few titles, because ReSVG does not support it and it generates errors. b5c9005 2020-01-03 Jonathan Thomas Modifying titles to have more readability (stroke and outline and gradient tweaks) origin/title-outline-tweaks, title-outline-tweaks 09ed042 2020-01-02 Jonathan Thomas Support older versions of webkit, since nothing renders for keyframes using the `-webkit-fill-available` value. origin/support-older-webkit-keyframe-rendering, support-older-webkit-keyframe-rendering 5c88c6f 2020-01-02 Jonathan Thomas When resizing the preview video widget, find the nearest even QSize, so that both width and height are divisible by 2. This prevents some strange phantom resizing black bars when resizing the preview window. origin/find-nearest-even-number-ratio, find-nearest-even-number-ratio 60c61d0 2020-01-02 Jonathan Thomas Updating supporters/donations origin/new-translations-and-donations, new-translations-and-donations 78fac69 2020-01-02 Jonathan Thomas Adding new compliled translations a5cef5b 2020-01-02 Jonathan Thomas Fixing name of colorshift.png file, since we changed (i.e. fixed) the classname of the effect in libopenshot. origin/fix-color-shift-icon-name, fix-color-shift-icon-name 46a50e0 2019-12-30 FeRD (Frank Dana) Mark project as dirty on export f627fa9 2019-12-25 FeRD (Frank Dana) classes.assets: Remove unused settings import 5925707 2019-12-25 FeRD (Frank Dana) User Guide: Formatting, link updates 676f004 2019-12-25 Frank Dana README: Mention PYTHONPATH, reformat commands 8e16d2a 2019-12-25 FeRD (Frank Dana) Remove ModuleNotFoundError exception check b91780c 2019-12-24 FeRD (Frank Dana) files_treeview: Fix image import 0864429 2019-12-19 SuslikV Attempt to set option only for existing stream d1f1ccf 2019-12-15 SuslikV Check if playhead follow code is available 854fefd 2019-12-09 FeRD (Frank Dana) Restore saving of thumbnail paths d40ce81 2019-12-09 FeRD (Frank Dana) Rebuild resource file 770d6e0 2019-12-09 SuslikV Use icon with the quiet colors 9ca1576 2019-12-06 FeRD (Frank Dana) Revert "thumbnail: Fix path for thumb output" 005791d 2019-12-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) Don't track export_path changes in undo history 008e234 2019-12-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) classes.updates: Keep redo, if ignore_history set 5796a18 2019-12-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) classes.updates: Add update_untracked method e6bdd60 2019-11-30 FeRD (Frank Dana) Log warning on missing library file origin/win-cli-tool 6adf3c1 2019-11-28 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add ARCHLIB for system library path 33c7644 2019-11-28 FeRD (Frank Dana) freeze.py: Fix py-extensions, prefixing 07b73b9 2019-11-23 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add Win CLI tool openshot-cli.exe 9d54586 2019-11-26 FeRD (Frank Dana) Blender: Fix injection of params 9c802f4 2019-11-20 FeRD (Frank Dana) Export: Don't double file extensions 5a1419d 2019-11-20 FeRD (Frank Dana) thumbnail: Fix path for thumb output bb3e8a1 2019-11-20 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add overrides for HTTP logging 9fb11f8 2019-11-20 FeRD (Frank Dana) Look up ID earlier, error if not found 62cb452 2019-11-20 FeRD (Frank Dana) Don't create useless variable 8286345 2019-11-20 FeRD (Frank Dana) thumbnail: Name & lookup RE groups 1742d56 2019-11-20 FeRD (Frank Dana) thumbnail: Don't log 200 responses 5d459d9 2019-11-20 FeRD (Frank Dana) json_data: Eliminate utf_path 762c663 2019-11-20 FeRD (Frank Dana) Avoid code duplication f11a39f 2019-11-20 FeRD (Frank Dana) Check self.prev_row before using 0166bb0 2019-11-20 FeRD (Frank Dana) Linter fixes 1c0bd25 2019-11-17 Jonathan Thomas Revert many JS loop syntax changes from https://github.com/OpenShot/openshot-qt/pull/3022. Those changes broke all HTML rendering on my local dev version. origin/revert-some-JS-changes, revert-some-JS-changes ef90f49 2019-11-17 Jonathan Thomas Updating OpenShot translations and template origin/updating-translations, updating-translations 6fcfea5 2019-11-17 Jonathan Thomas Hack to make processing of thousands of thumbnails work more reliable, until a thread pool solution can be found. origin/project-asset-folders, project-asset-folders e168acf 2019-11-16 Jonathan Thomas Correctly shutdown HTTP thumbnail server, and find and available port (this fixes freezing unit tests on shutdown) 607d7e6 2019-11-16 Jonathan Thomas Catch undefined http file_ids, caused by DummyReaders and unit tests 62e757f 2019-11-16 Jonathan Thomas Large assets refactor, plus adding recovery ability (~/.openshot_qt/recovery/). Introduced a new @assets path placeholder which is replaced by the project's dynamic asset path. This allows for external renaming of assets folder + project file. Also simplifies 'Save As', as we no longer have hard-coded absolute paths to assets folders. Also, once a project is saved/loaded, Titles and Thumbnails are saved inside the new assets folder (instead of inside our temp ~/.openshot_qt/ folders). dea4edc 2019-11-14 Jonathan Thomas Large overhaul of thumbnail generation. Use an HTTP server to "serve" thumbnails to our UI and HTML timeline. This allows the HTTP server to handle requests, and handle cases such as missing files, different thumbnail folders, etc... 00e935f 2019-11-11 FeRD (Frank Dana) Timeline: Refresh position on JSON load d90c78e 2019-11-09 SuslikV Set minimum mouse move threshold for edit 12992f1 2019-11-09 SuslikV Do not change selected row during mouse move 0b3221f 2019-11-09 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix SVG image sequences 8325565 2019-09-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix path recovery for image sequence clips 0eaead3 2019-11-02 FeRD (Frank Dana) keyPressEvent: Remove debugging, simplify f9c6f04 2019-10-29 FeRD (Frank Dana) Correct profile references ae76ac7 2019-10-29 FeRD (Frank Dana) Create Vertical profiles 309e389 2019-10-28 FeRD (Frank Dana) Don't reformat project file names 272e4b5 2019-10-26 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix favicon for timeline/index.html 7ff7c95 2019-10-19 FeRD (Frank Dana) functions.js/track.js: Use for...of loops 9bf8728 2019-10-19 FeRD (Frank Dana) controllers.js: replace indexed loops with for...of eae5179 2019-10-18 Frank Dana docs/contributing: correct log filename in manual aaa392e 2019-10-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) freeze.py: Don't hardcode Python extension paths 152ac1c 2019-10-17 Frank Dana CONTRIBUTING: Correct filename of openshot logfile 6555a15 2019-10-10 FeRD (Frank Dana) Draw keyframe points as styled divs db54ba0 2019-10-10 FeRD (Frank Dana) Update timeline zoom directly, on project load 8421f91 2019-10-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) Proposed .py and .js style rules 528d6ce 2019-10-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add root-file marker, and LF line-endings setting c2110b4 2019-10-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add barebones .editorconfig 9920b3a 2019-10-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) Blender fixes 0725010 2019-10-02 FeRD (Frank Dana) Make onLogTheEnd() a Python atexit function 682a4ca 2019-09-30 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add libX11-xcb.so.1 exclusion 7e3a093 2019-09-29 FeRD (Frank Dana) More unused variables/imports e5d533c 2019-09-29 Frank Dana Add web link to README Documentation section fe1615a 2019-09-27 FeRD (Frank Dana) js: Use === and !== with bool/numbers 9b3f4d8 2019-09-27 FeRD (Frank Dana) main_window: use app var, when we have it 6abc10e 2019-09-27 FeRD (Frank Dana) repo-wide: Eliminate os.path throwaways, cleanup 1501e39 2019-09-27 FeRD (Frank Dana) classes.project_data: Exception fixes 1fbec3c 2019-09-27 FeRD (Frank Dana) main_window: add new=1 to webbrowser.open 81a081a 2019-09-27 FeRD (Frank Dana) main_window: browser-launching fixes 2bdc0d7 2019-09-26 FeRD (Frank Dana) QFileDialog: Ignore file_type return value ae15fb2 2019-08-28 FeRD (Frank Dana) classes/updates: Fix history-cleaning, log tweaks 7fd081a 2019-09-25 Frank Dana Aaand, update the Feature Request / enhancement label 30f1cf9 2019-09-25 Frank Dana Update "bug" label for bug report issue template 318131d 2019-09-22 FeRD (Frank Dana) Last try at excluding font libs a8a24ba 2019-09-22 FeRD (Frank Dana) freeze.py: Exclude more system libs 2ab9008 2019-09-22 FeRD (Frank Dana) Profile dialog: Remove skip_first, fix loading 75fb7bf 2019-09-18 FeRD (Frank Dana) JSON: Lower indent level on formatted data 10e47f2 2019-09-17 FeRD (Frank Dana) blender_listview: Remove unused QBlenderEvent class ee29ce9 2019-09-17 FeRD (Frank Dana) Animated Titles: Use QPlainTextEdit for multiline 1af03e2 2019-09-16 FeRD (Frank Dana) Animated Titles: Don't add files if canceled 6821874 2019-09-16 Frank Dana Fix render progress display in Animated Titles editor (#2964) 7cdbcb8 2019-09-16 Frank Dana Whitespace-change commit to trigger GitHub rescan c46de33 2019-09-16 FeRD (Frank Dana) Set scale=none on audio clips when splitting 335aea3 2019-09-14 FeRD (Frank Dana) properties_tableview: Code cleanup cf76d8a 2019-09-14 FeRD (Frank Dana) properties_tableview: Don't shadow "property" 50cd2be 2019-09-14 FeRD (Frank Dana) Properties: Ignore overlapping context menu events 213d33b 2019-09-13 FeRD (Frank Dana) blender_listview: Use generate_id() to name folders db01eec 2019-09-13 FeRD (Frank Dana) project_data: Dumb typo 0524a02 2019-09-12 FeRD (Frank Dana) Blender Python scripts: Code formatting cbe31e2 2019-09-11 SuslikV Fix typo in the comment 4755fa7 2019-09-11 SuslikV Clarify comment in paintEvent d2f35be 2019-09-09 FeRD (Frank Dana) json_data: use os.fsencode() for utf_path 6428992 2019-09-09 FeRD (Frank Dana) Eliminate forced UTF-8 path encoding 60777db 2019-09-09 FeRD (Frank Dana) classes.info: Path list fixes 958382c 2019-09-09 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add and use info.BACKUP_FILE 4885c81 2019-09-09 FeRD (Frank Dana) classes.info: Formatting, linter bd31282 2019-09-08 Brad Kartchner Various fixes to the last commit. Moved the follow playhead logic from Python to Javascript, where it should be. Fixed an error in calculating determining where the playhead is centered. 7591b02 2019-09-08 FeRD (Frank Dana) eval_js: Less severe logs, longer delays ef91065 2019-09-08 FeRD (Frank Dana) project_data: Also migrate from asset folders d83ddf5 2019-09-08 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix some weird formatting, linter, etc. 197e4b0 2019-08-31 SuslikV Use theme color for Video Preview background 60d170c 2019-09-06 Brad Kartchner Finished changes suggested by ferdnyc 81c9dbe 2019-09-06 Brad Kartchner Made some changes in response to ferdnyc's comments. Created a $scope.centerOnPlayhead function devoted solely to centering on the playhead in Javascript. This avoids the calculates required in Python to determine the playhead's current time position since the Javascript side already knows it. 4b06a1e 2019-09-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) JS: isTimeVisible(), isPlayheadVisible() 8b1e3e1 2019-09-06 FeRD (Frank Dana) Custom center-on-playhead icon a2ee5f1 2019-08-21 Mario Hros presets for more HW VAAPI encoding formats 05b6856 2019-09-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) Store filename.osp assets in filename_assets dir 3786d38 2019-09-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) Asset folder name-generation and storage 456c7bf 2019-09-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add previous_path arg (optional) to move_temp_paths...() a66e499 2019-09-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix path recovery for image sequence clips 670b872 2019-09-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) Prevent slicing with 'raise' instead of 'raise ex' 92f3f91 2019-09-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) JS: isTimeVisible(), isPlayheadVisible() 067de0e 2019-09-03 SuslikV Update data from the default project too b7276a6 2019-09-03 FeRD (Frank Dana) Don't copy permissions when dup'ing template files 9e9c7cd 2019-09-01 FeRD (Frank Dana) Title editor: linter fixes, log import failure reason 5d5da4e 2019-08-31 Brad Kartchner Added the ability to center the timeline view at an arbitrary time. Currently, this can be used by the user to automatically jump to the current playhead position rather than manually searching for it. The timeline also recenters itself when jumping to a marker or to the beginning or end of the timeline. b9f4e37 2019-08-28 FeRD (Frank Dana) Remove "View Toolbar" icon, default checked 23d6c25 2019-08-28 Tre Fix a bug with the actionView_Toolbar checked state. e05ea48 2019-08-27 FeRD (Frank Dana) classes/ui_util: Remove unused variable 61f72a8 2019-08-26 FeRD (Frank Dana) metrics.py: Use openshot.OPENSHOT_VERSION_FULL 73af456 2019-08-26 FeRD (Frank Dana) Use openshot.OPENSHOT_VERSION_FULL ef34fde 2019-08-25 FeRD (Frank Dana) Project files: Image sequence fixes fa8c851 2019-08-25 FeRD (Frank Dana) File import: Log error on failed import 493c071 2019-08-25 FeRD (Frank Dana) Titles: Font selector reuses selection 645d9ea 2019-08-25 FeRD (Frank Dana) title_editor.py: Linter cleanup b516534 2019-08-25 FeRD (Frank Dana) Title Editor: Don't update on no-op bb6fc25 2019-08-25 FeRD (Frank Dana) Preferences: Browse opens at previous-value location 81ad4b1 2019-08-22 Jonathan Thomas Terminate blender process upon canceling origin/blender-2.8-support, blender-2.8-support feab599 2019-08-22 Jonathan Thomas Fixing dissolve animated title (for sure one of the coolest)! Had to add new material nodes, fix some syntax, and change to emitting light. 59e8fde 2019-08-19 Jonathan Thomas Removing zoom halo blender animated title (also kind of redundant) a215b2b 2019-08-19 Jonathan Thomas Had to fix the UV Maps and render nodes for the clapboard textures, and up the light power (since it was too dim) c733e4d 2019-08-16 SuslikV Hide tutorial window before exit fe7c9a4 2019-08-16 SuslikV Specify exception type 8d073c5 2019-08-15 SuslikV Log start-end of the application current session cf9573f 2019-08-13 SuslikV Log the exit routine 5cf00ae 2019-08-15 SuslikV Import missing variable eb96d08 2019-08-14 FeRD (Frank Dana) Zoom centered on playhead, if visible 5760491 2019-08-13 Jonathan Thomas Fixed animated titles Cancel button functionality (which I don't think ever worked during a render). Now it works during a render or with no rendering. 88d0a3a 2019-08-13 Jonathan Thomas Fixing lens flare animated title (mostly works now). Lots of old settings removed, but also it now has less capabilities I think. 5c1d0ca 2019-08-13 Jonathan Thomas Removing Trees animated title (kind of tired and pointless in my opinion) a411085 2019-08-13 Jonathan Thomas Fixing snow animated title 3f9288d 2019-08-13 Jonathan Thomas WIP: Dissolve animation still is broken, but at least doesn't throw an error message now. 29ea9cf 2019-08-12 Jonathan Thomas Adding blender.svg icon for Animated Titles and updating window title to give Blender credit =) 47c53f1 2019-08-12 Jonathan Thomas Prevent double render on load of animations 1b7c954 2019-08-12 Jonathan Thomas Removing real earth blend, and defocus animation (too similar to blur animation) 78a6769 2019-08-12 Jonathan Thomas Removing read earth animated title. Too many changes required for Blender 2.8. 9af67ec 2019-08-12 Jonathan Thomas Fixed space movie animated title (needed new alpha keyframe and some new materials), and updated icon from 1.6 MB to 5kb! 6193e22 2019-08-11 Frank Dana Preferences: Raise max samplerate to 192kHz. 163095c 2019-08-10 FeRD (Frank Dana) Preferences: Avoid code duplication for browse type 42660a1 2019-08-10 FeRD (Frank Dana) Razor tool: Disable right-click 299ae01 2019-08-09 Jonathan Thomas Improving some "earth" animation issues... still has lots of issues. 513a8a7 2019-08-09 Jonathan Thomas Fixed picture frame animated title. Added UV Maps to all frames, and updated syntax. Then, I had to reverse the scale_x and scale_y to flip the image textures. 17b0ce2 2019-08-09 Jonathan Thomas Removed specular setting from Glare animation, and added in control of glare type 563cbb5 2019-08-09 Jonathan Thomas Fixed neon lines animation (it's not perfect, but good enough for now) d76250e 2019-08-08 Jonathan Thomas Fixed magic wand animated title, added some new properties, added glare, improved gravity (-3 to +3 for some fun), updated thumbnail c63cc50 2019-08-07 FeRD (Frank Dana) build-server.py: Update uses of renamed metadata origin/pr-2925 3dee83d 2019-08-07 FeRD (Frank Dana) Revert "Restore 'use_shadeless' in colors.py/colors.blend" 1f9fd5e 2019-08-07 FeRD (Frank Dana) Restore 'use_shadeless' in colors.py/colors.blend 13ef191 2019-08-07 FeRD (Frank Dana) Animated Titles: Save/Restore keyboard focus d198170 2019-08-07 Jonathan Thomas Fixed glass slider animated title (required new settings and lots of changes) a69544f 2019-08-07 Jonathan Thomas Made animated title window larger to account for larger labels (so list doesn't get squished when certain animations are selected) 2082b5f 2019-08-07 Jonathan Thomas Fix issue with diffuse color logic not matching all params needed 9452496 2019-08-07 Peter Eszlari rename Linux metadata 1f234ba 2019-08-06 Jonathan Thomas Fixed expode.py blender script (mostly refactored methods and syntax changes) d24d2c0 2019-08-06 Jonathan Thomas Fixed glare.blend (by emitting light with keyframes and adjusting some nodes) 2f2a554 2019-08-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) Clean up logging in Animated Titles f2aac66 2019-08-05 Jonathan Thomas Fixed defocus blender animation, and now allow control of Z focal depth 6ed3160 2019-08-05 Jonathan Thomas Fixed blur effect, added controls for X and Y control of the blur, increased the amount of blur (spinner max) f067ce5 2019-08-05 Jonathan Thomas Removing unused syntax in blender 2.8 eaf4846 2019-08-05 Jonathan Thomas Sorted blender model by file name.Fixed color picker to work with diffuse and non-diffuse params, and removed RGB preview mode (RGBA seems to work fine) 621b60b 2019-08-05 Jonathan Thomas Fixing wireframe blender animation (and adding thickness param) c22ddbe 2019-08-04 Frank Dana Revert "Revert "Set default multiplexing preset for exported media"" d035737 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) Revert "Set default multiplexing preset for exported media" 4428f72 2019-08-03 FeRD (Frank Dana) darkPalette: More complete disabled color group 8ef8300 2019-08-03 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix preferences access in GPU code for 2.80 49d794d 2019-08-02 Jonathan Thomas Output filepath of each frame rendered d48ae1b 2019-08-02 Jonathan Thomas Refactoring blender animations for 2.8 support (WIP): - alpha_mode no longer exists (replaced with bpy.context.scene.render.film_transparent) - horizon_color no longer exists (replaced with bpy.data.worlds[0].color) - material_object.diffuse_color now accepts 4 values (including alpha) - material_object.alpha is no longer used (and deleted.... inherits from diffuse color i think) - material_object.use_shadeless is no longer used (disabled for now) - bpy.ops.object.text_add has new parameters (refactored it to work) 4dbb441 2019-08-02 Jonathan Thomas Show waiting cursor when launching Preferences, and normal cursor once preferences has loaded fully. add-wait-cursor-preferences 54063b7 2019-08-02 Jonathan Thomas Fix bugs related to "New Project" and a missing user project default file (this is a regression). fix-user-project-override 9c28d20 2019-08-02 FeRD (Frank Dana) Move blender_gpu preference to bottom b3b9e1a 2019-07-31 FeRD (Frank Dana) Remove external filter clear-buttons ef9c4e0 2019-07-31 FeRD (Frank Dana) Properties: Enable filter clear button afe06ff 2019-07-31 FeRD (Frank Dana) Make Preferences window taller & wider 2f07a52 2019-07-30 Jonathan Thomas Renaming launch file on Linux, so it doesn't collide with the cx_Freeze created file (openshot-qt) fix-cxfreeze-exe-name-change 3dd34db 2019-07-30 Jonathan Thomas Fixing wrong path and missing `launch.exe` string 344862b 2019-07-30 Jonathan Thomas Removing copyright from cx_Freeze setup() call, since 2 of our build servers exploded on that. Adding "exe" to windows targetname, to prevent crash in cx_Freeze. cc16931 2019-07-30 FeRD (Frank Dana) Change "CPU" accel icon to light orange 24bfb6c 2019-07-30 FeRD (Frank Dana) Don't make Timeline closable on unfreeze 040bcd4 2019-07-30 FeRD (Frank Dana) Don't use deprecated AllDockWidgetFeatures 2a688ef 2019-07-25 SuslikV Restore UI state on startup 95f5283 2019-07-29 Jonathan Thomas Take 2 fix-file-assoc-flags c75d1e4 2019-07-29 Jonathan Thomas Fix another regression in https://github.com/OpenShot/openshot-qt/pull/2872 6ebd5f4 2019-07-29 Jonathan Thomas Fix a regression in https://github.com/OpenShot/openshot-qt/pull/2872 71fa042 2019-07-29 Jonathan Thomas Fixing uninstall firewall rule syntax new-windows-firewall ade64c3 2019-07-29 Jonathan Thomas Adding optional task for windows firewall 5eb1ccd 2019-07-29 Jonathan Thomas Remove firewall rule on uninstall c0b09f1 2019-07-28 Jonathan Thomas Switching direction of firewall rule 4253847 2019-07-28 Jonathan Thomas Adding experimental Windows firewall exception during install 3fa8420 2019-07-28 Jonathan Thomas Add Qt5Core and Qt5Svg DLLs when missing from frozen folder (this fixes missing icons in daily builds) fix_missing_qt5svg 7d288db 2019-07-26 FeRD (Frank Dana) Raise max video dimensions to 40000x40000 7d483bc 2019-07-26 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add SVG to image-sequence extensions ebd7083 2019-07-26 Jonathan Thomas Add Qt5Core.dll to root of frozen dir remove-resvg-freeze-logic 2934ae4 2019-07-25 Jonathan Thomas Remove Windows resvg freeze logic (no longer needed for newer versions of cx_Freeze) 8a639b6 2019-07-25 Jonathan Thomas Revert: Disabling editbin and verpatch temporarily msys2-update e00848e 2019-07-25 Jonathan Thomas Disabling editbin and verpatch temporarily d009195 2019-07-23 Jonathan Thomas Remove more unused dlls 3aacd51 2019-07-22 Jonathan Thomas Adding missing images to image cache (makes initial Title dialog open super quickly) 7995e5b 2019-07-22 Jonathan Thomas Testing cx_Freeze tweaks 1dc5383 2019-07-22 FeRD (Frank Dana) Destroy webview when exiting 8af2e79 2019-07-22 FeRD (Frank Dana) PlayheadMoved: Eliminate unused args 69d6e2d 2019-07-20 Jonathan Thomas Testing cx_Freeze tweaks 19eb01e 2019-07-20 FeRD (Frank Dana) Recents list: Never add relative paths bee098f 2019-07-10 SuslikV Set default multiplexing preset for exported media de4caec 2019-07-20 FeRD (Frank Dana) Connect resource file to consumers f48fe58 2019-07-19 FeRD (Frank Dana) Remove ellipses from "New Project" menu/binding 263ca5b 2019-07-19 FeRD (Frank Dana) Remove unused "window_splitter" settings 4bb7a7c 2019-07-19 FeRD (Frank Dana) Update Advanced View 6c9841a 2019-07-18 Jonathan Thomas Testing cx_Freeze tweaks a06124c 2019-07-17 FeRD (Frank Dana) Don't package openshot-qt.ico on Windows fc9a87f 2019-07-17 FeRD (Frank Dana) About/credits: Use :/about/ resources 67d5a83 2019-07-17 FeRD (Frank Dana) All UI files: get openshot.svg from .qrc c178d22 2019-07-17 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add more icons to resource file dbc4d76 2019-07-17 FeRD (Frank Dana) export.ui cleanup & fixes b5b1910 2019-07-16 Jonathan Thomas Testing cx_Freeze tweaks 167b3ad 2019-07-16 Jonathan Thomas Fixing ISS installer file 720cd99 2019-07-16 Jonathan Thomas Testing cx_Freeze tweaks 88ac8f7 2019-07-16 FeRD (Frank Dana) Make .osp association optional (default on) 64dfe46 2019-07-16 Jonathan Thomas Testing cx_Freeze tweaks cf03d0a 2019-07-16 FeRD (Frank Dana) InnoSetup: Update copyright year, URLs 3ed1cc9 2019-07-16 FeRD (Frank Dana) InnoSetup: Add .osp file association a513aa4 2019-05-06 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add 128, 256, 512px Win icon sizes bacdfbc 2019-05-06 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add 128x128 icon png a5282ad 2019-07-15 luz.paz Fix source comment typos 9b87ec6 2019-07-14 FeRD (Frank Dana) Update appdata.xml file with 2.4.4 release c9f91b6 2019-07-14 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add over a dozen languages to InnoSetup 8dbbf54 2019-07-14 FeRD (Frank Dana) Retire Windows envvar-deletion code 1756655 2019-07-14 Frank Dana Fix path in show_translations.py 2469712 2019-07-14 Frank Dana Fix import error popup, other exceptions (#2867) 77a3a68 2019-07-12 FeRD (Frank Dana) Check for empty/null path strings 9b7b821 2019-07-10 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add support for a user default project file 139b9ec 2019-07-10 FeRD (Frank Dana) Permission popup: Don't eat other exceptions 2c2b7fd 2019-07-09 Jonathan Thomas Removing fractional values from X,Y coordinates on common transitions (trying to prevent strange rendering issues with 1 pixel borders). simplify-common-svg-transitions 21e157d 2019-07-09 SuslikV Change order of tabbing items in export dialog (#2782) d7e8f05 2019-07-09 SuslikV Use regular CSS properties in scrollbars 646d703 2019-07-09 SuslikV Fix styling and unify code 3dec467 2019-07-08 FeRD (Frank Dana) Remove text outlines from most titles eede906 2019-07-08 FeRD (Frank Dana) Change project.get(["foo"]) to project.get("foo") 88e41c5 2019-07-08 FeRD (Frank Dana) project.get(): Accept non-list args 1490db3 2019-07-03 SuslikV Add comment to code d59ec20 2019-07-03 SuslikV Fix cursor and cursor-line shift ec95f15 2019-07-03 SuslikV Rewrite timeline cursor styling 74b6044 2019-07-02 Jonathan Thomas Fix IO error race condition on build server fix-build-server f486bed 2019-07-02 Jonathan Thomas Output more details to build-server.log, and fix verpatch 22fab66 2019-07-02 FeRD (Frank Dana) Re-export backgrounds with correct font 35e3e5e 2019-07-01 Jonathan Thomas Flush log file before end of script (experimental) 0854108 2019-07-01 Jonathan Thomas Add build log to GitLab CI artifacts e0ab10b 2019-07-01 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix shape of hw-accel-*.svg 485348e 2019-07-01 Jonathan Thomas Fixing exe_path which is undefined f285b16 2019-07-01 Jonathan Thomas Fix escaped v char e8f3ca8 2019-06-30 FeRD (Frank Dana) Use SVG icons for hw-accel markers f1621a4 2019-06-30 FeRD (Frank Dana) Replace PNG accel icons with SVG c254a0a 2019-06-15 Florian Pritz Install icons to hicolor/NxN instead of hicolor/N b9e736e 2019-06-11 SuslikV Update video_length of the Timeline object 0f45d49 2019-06-08 Jonathan Thomas Updating CheckPixel to use a threshold of 5 3186e00 2019-06-08 SuslikV Make track of the scroll more noticeable b4f040e 2019-06-08 SuslikV Make clip selection always visible 0747604 2019-06-07 FeRD (Frank Dana) New Blender GPU enable code 0be375e 2019-06-07 FeRD (Frank Dana) Inject blender GPU code if enabled in settings da22ec8 2019-06-06 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add setting to enable blender GPU usage 917eaa8 2019-06-06 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix outdated comments about Blender version 2309e10 2019-06-04 Jonathan Thomas Speed up hardware decode tests in preferences hardware-improvements 3c8b0df 2019-06-04 Jonathan Thomas Tweak name of graphics card used by "CPU only" mode a2dcce7 2019-06-01 SuslikV Make scrolls of the Timeline thicker a8dd181 2019-06-01 SuslikV Lower scroll area minimum height 0c7c9f8 2019-05-31 Jonathan Thomas Adding test mp4 to verify decoding preferences (hardware decoding), and only display valid devices and modes. Also, disable card selection for Windows and Mac (until they are supported) b7c4bb6 2019-05-31 Jonathan Thomas Refactor of 'resources' paths b26e3d8 2019-05-31 Jonathan Thomas Disable graphics card selection in Window and Mac (since that is not yet supported in libopenshot) fa928aa 2019-05-30 Jonathan Thomas Bumping version to 2.4.4-dev2 edl-export 5be1f46 2019-05-28 FeRD (Frank Dana) win32: Add verpatch cmd to build-server bdd2135 2019-05-27 Jonathan Thomas Large refactor of some common functions. Improved logic to find missing files on project open and project import. Files can be skipped or updated, and internal cache remembers previously searched folders. Much faster to find missing and fix missing files when opening a project. 1b25ddd 2019-05-25 Jonathan Thomas Updating XML exporter to NTSC=FALSE b1422e1 2019-05-25 Jonathan Thomas Added documentation for EDL and XMl importing and exporting ea332b1 2019-05-23 Jonathan Thomas Completed XML importer. Supports video, image, and audio clips. Opacity keyframes and volume keyframes, and multiple tracks. 1ab6a7a 2019-05-23 Jonathan Thomas Wrapping up first version of EDL importer (supports videos, images, and audio files), volume keyframes, and alpha keyframes. Only supports importing a single track through. 8355b92 2019-05-23 SuslikV Use actual import source bc3a628 2019-05-22 Jonathan Thomas File selector and XML parsing for XML importer 60bd1d0 2019-05-22 Jonathan Thomas Initial EDL parsing / importer (WIP) 54f89f6 2019-05-22 Jonathan Thomas Fixed edit index on EDL export c708340 2019-05-06 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add 128, 256, 512px Win icon sizes 94fbf31 2019-05-06 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add 128x128 icon png 666ea4c 2019-05-21 FeRD (Frank Dana) Rename frozen executable to openshot-qt f23d2f8 2019-05-21 Jonathan Thomas Adding 'import project' to menu dee3eb2 2019-05-21 Jonathan Thomas Adding 'resources' folder, and moving some non-settings file there (trying to clean-up the folder structure a bit). Also stubbing out the EDL and XML importers (WIP). 4dcf3a2 2019-05-20 Jonathan Thomas Added volume keyframes to EDL export edd7d2a 2019-05-20 Jonathan Thomas Added volume keyframes to Final Cut Pro XML export (and fixed In/Out bug) bccafa2 2019-05-20 Jonathan Thomas Adding opactiy keyframes to Final Cut Pro XML export (and fixing issue with duplicate keyframe times) 46cc8a7 2019-05-20 Jonathan Thomas Fixing audio track handling with Final Cut Pro XML export. Now images, audio, and video files (with and without audio tracks) 1fa3f71 2019-05-17 Jonathan Thomas Adding initial Final Cut Pro XML export (needs lots of work still, but the basics work for video tracks now) 74290d1 2019-05-17 Jonathan Thomas Generate project ID correctly on new projects, and fix old default project id's (which are 'T0') 8b9a6b1 2019-05-16 Jonathan Thomas Refactoring EDL creation into it's own file. Adding Final Cut Pro XML template, and some refactoring around exports in general. 3d80d88 2019-05-16 Jonathan Thomas EDL Exporter, which currently supports images, video+audio, audio-only, blank/gaps between clips, and opacity. It generates 1 EDL file per track. Also a refactor of time_parts, a common function used in a few places to convert seconds into a formatted time stamp. 6cf6b59 2019-05-14 Jonathan Thomas Remove unused duplicate files from Windows installer reduce-windows-installer-size aa165c4 2019-05-13 Jonathan Thomas Closing timeline object before Python kills the object itself memory-fixes 924a9cf 2019-05-07 Jonathan Thomas Import info separately check-permissions 1207b88 2019-05-07 Jonathan Thomas Improving permission error detection, as well as import error detection. Refactoring some imports to prevent initializing the logger before OpenShotApp 714f917 2019-05-07 Jonathan Thomas Fixing spelling error 56e8bfd 2019-05-07 Jonathan Thomas Check permissions on launch, and show error message to user if needed 3abb8bb 2019-05-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add Retina background at double resolution 58f444e 2019-05-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) Export updated dmg-backgroung.png 7e2286a 2019-05-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) DMG Background: Update, clean up SVG file 5f68bb2 2019-05-03 Jonathan Thomas Improved property validation (type checking, error handling, logging) and making certain properties (Tracks, Dropdowns) non-editable when double clicked. property-editing 7ff925b 2019-05-02 Jonathan Thomas Fix broken history (null history attribute) fix-broken-history 4a9e2fe 2019-05-02 FeRD (Frank Dana) Remove simplejson fallback eae7170 2019-05-01 Jonathan Thomas Adding display_ratio and pixel_ratio to default project, and adding support for different aspect ratio video previews (fixes a ton of issues), and maximizes the video preview window. hardware-support 4ab52ca 2019-04-30 Jonathan Thomas Fixing white background on Mac preferences, and fixing some layout icon issues with Effects thumbnails c0ed14e 2019-04-29 Jonathan Thomas Improving export decoration logic (to show correct hwaccel graphic), and adding preset for videotoolbox acceleration (even though it currently crashes for me during testing) 1052eea 2019-04-28 Jonathan Thomas Adding Intel QSV decoding support fb1349b 2019-04-28 Jonathan Thomas Adding VDPAU option for decoding, fixing preview player to correct size player. 47b5473 2019-04-24 Jonathan Thomas Adding NVENC to export dialog (instead of NVDEC), and fixing cancel export logic. 294aa21 2019-04-23 Jonathan Thomas Adding search box to preferences, where only tabs witch matching preferences will appear 2c1cec0 2019-04-23 Jonathan Thomas Added Playback Audio Device to preferences, and set audio device name on launch. Also fixed a few typos, and widened the preferences window a bit. 2ea4bb3 2019-04-21 Jonathan Thomas Improving some translations for "Graphics Card %s" with placeholders 38531f4 2019-04-21 Jonathan Thomas Added setting dropdown names to translation, and generated POT template 7020d82 2019-04-21 Jonathan Thomas Add "default" to Graphics Card 1 b4182e0 2019-04-21 eisneinechse Remove the old way to select hardware support b6a2d34 2019-04-21 eisneinechse Reorder number of cards 710ff4c 2019-04-20 Jonathan Thomas Adding dropdown to encoder / decoder selection in preferences, and changing "SOFTWARE" to "CPU" (so we don't have to translate it) 7aa70f8 2019-04-19 Jonathan Thomas Added elapsed time to export dialog title bar (once it is finished) ba7569d 2019-04-18 Jonathan Thomas Removing hardware acceleration modes from incompatible OSes (i.e. don't show Mac VTB mode on Windows and Linux) 4dc3849 2019-04-18 Jonathan Thomas Adding new images for hw-accel dropdowns (preferences and export), integrating these images into the dialogs, and removing any videocodec from the Export dialog which is not supported by libopenshot. cc813ba 2019-04-18 Jonathan Thomas Changing location of backup.osp, fixing some backup.osp related regressions (missing thumbnails), and preventing a "hang" when recovering backup.osp. Also, adding new option to leave open export dialog and raise the export window (to alert the user the export is done) bb7f10f 2019-04-18 Jonathan Thomas Updating default settings (autosave interval >= 1.0, history limit to 99, and renaming some hw-accel preferences) bbbcb25 2019-04-17 Jonathan Thomas Adding improved invalid path detection when exporting a video invalid-path-detection 0a798de 2019-04-17 Jonathan Thomas Fix Time->Reset Time menu (which was doing nothing) 485148c 2019-04-13 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix author string in __init__.py 68db83f 2019-04-04 Jonathan Thomas Fix unittest which are freezing on travis ci fix-unit-tests ca8b12b 2019-04-04 Jonathan Thomas Updating travis ci dist to xenial (from trusty) new-xenial-dist 20d614c 2019-04-04 Jonathan Thomas Bumping version to 2.4.4-dev1 juce5 c070d4f 2019-04-04 Jonathan Thomas Generate translation POT template 33c02dc 2019-04-04 Jonathan Thomas Display error to user when initialise() method is called by JUCE (and if JUCE returns any error string) 728136c 2019-03-17 eisneinechse Improved finished window, more information 9512b40 2019-03-16 eisneinechse Show finished window only when switched on in Preferences->Debug 853049b 2019-02-25 eisneinechse Update of hardware support information text 676ea2b 2019-02-13 eisneinechse Include a text with information regarding hardware accelerated codecs fef8941 2019-02-02 eisneinechse Add a preset for av1 When openshot is installed on a system with ffmpeg 4.1 or higher, or when the appimage is created with ffmpeg 4.1 or higher AV1 is supported. But encoding is extremly slow! 3c76f0e 2019-02-01 eisneinechse Typo that prevented that Setting was read fixed 6befba2 2019-01-31 eisneinechse Cleanup source 1b576cc 2019-01-31 eisneinechse Remove one environment variable reference that was overlooked b56ee56 2019-01-30 eisneinechse More changes to move to Settings, still needs work 0dbba24 2019-01-30 eisneinechse First changes to move from GetEnv to Settings 6484e51 2019-01-29 eisneinechse Fixed Typo in the VP9 presets 131fc3a 2019-01-27 eisneinechse Form follows function Use SetVideoOption again for crf Changes to prepare change for Settings d6018f2 2019-01-26 eisneinechse Cosmetic changes c43b5eb 2019-01-25 eisneinechse Different finished window 8594382 2018-12-08 eisneinechse Bring Windows and Mac up to date 79b4a65 2018-12-08 eisneinechse Removed the old hardware decode enable to avoid confusion a1e86a0 2018-12-08 eisneinechse Hardware decode and encode can now be configured completely in Preferences->Performance. The old enable hardware decode is disabled. Now the graphics card can be chosen (0 is the first one) that should be used for encode and/or decode. They needn't be the same! nVidia decode still not working nVidia encode is working with driver 396 Vaapi should be working. mesa-va-drivers must be installed for AMD i965-va-driver must be installed for intel GPUs. Using one card to decode and one to encode an option with laptops with an iGPU and a dedicated GPU (dGPU), as an example. c5122b0 2018-11-15 eisneinechse Changes to use AV1 if ffmpeg >= 4.0 is used with libaom support 3876360 2018-11-08 eisneinechse Add a preset for AV1 in a mkv container. This is supported when ffmpeg 4 with libaom is used. Export is extremly slow though. Like 0.01 fps slow. 912f6bc 2018-10-25 eisneinechse Added the message box at the end of export 6f70b25 2018-09-20 eisneinechse Adjust the presets for VP9 with CRF quality settings 3aeb353 2018-09-16 eisneinechse Add a preset for VP9 with CRF quality setting 5df5322 2018-09-16 eisneinechse Implement the use of CRF instead od kB/s or MB/s for some formats: VP8, VP9, h264, h265 0 crf with VP9 is lossless 0 crf with VP8, h264, h265 should be lossless df75ba0 2018-09-16 eisneinechse Fix slice keep both sides 9c0f0a3 2018-09-13 eisneinechse Maximum width and height for hardware decode can now be set in preferences ad3e223 2018-09-12 eisneinechse New presets (untested) to include hardware encoding for Linux nvidia (nv), Windows (DX), and Mac (QSV). Rename of the Linux AMD/intel entry to (va) dabf2d5 2018-09-02 eisneinechse Let the user set an upper limit on the thread count used by OpenMP and ffmpeg The default is use the number of threads the CPU can use With CPUs with very high thread count it might be faster and more stable to use less cores in one part of the program. ea6a44a 2018-09-01 eisneinechse Add a preset that uses the hardware accelerated VAAPI (h264 hw) ca88ba5 2018-08-31 eisneinechse Show switch to enable hardware enabled decoding 9d1e6b4 2018-08-23 Jonathan Thomas Fixing scale/zoom bar to correctly work when loading/saving projects. Also, fixed issues with recursive 'history' attributes on a project, causing crazy slow loading of project
f801af2 2020-01-12 FeRD (Frank Dana) FindRESVG: Remove debugging messages HEAD -> release-20200105, origin/release-20200105 1750629 2020-01-11 FeRD (Frank Dana) Define USE_RESVG for openshot target fa9189a 2020-01-11 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix RESVG format in GetFrame 08add08 2020-01-09 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix FindRESVG for Windows 0f47446 2020-01-08 Jonathan Thomas Improved way to generate git logs from the current commit to the previous tag. During a release, we tag the current commit during the publishing, and then it starts detecting no changes (since we are ON the current tag). 22793e2 2020-01-08 FeRD (Frank Dana) Set IMPORTED_NO_SONAME on RESVG target 21815fe 2020-01-08 FeRD (Frank Dana) FindRESVG: Modernize with targets 0b4885b 2020-01-08 FeRD (Frank Dana) Change RESVG image format to ARGB32_Pre 187b205 2020-01-08 Jonathan Thomas Preventing crash where last_video_frame is NULL 4e5ba4d 2020-01-07 Jonathan Thomas Updating CMakeList.txt requirement for OpenShotAudio 0.1.9. This should work now, since we've updated the versions on `develop`. e1b21c3 2020-01-07 Jonathan Thomas Reverting CMakeList.txt OpenShotAudio required version, because it's crashing Travis due to the dependency on libopenshot PPA (which only has the develop version number). Need to think about this more. 606a851 2020-01-06 Jonathan Thomas Updating required OpenShotAudio version in CmakeLists.txt 5f526f5 2020-01-05 Jonathan Thomas Bump version to 0.2.4 (SO 18) 1cefa65 2019-12-27 SuslikV Skip painter transform by using shortcut 0bec048 2020-01-02 Jonathan Thomas Copy max_audio_samples with Frame DeepCopy origin/copy-max-samples, copy-max-samples 2a0d10b 2020-01-02 Jonathan Thomas Adding back in changes from https://github.com/OpenShot/libopenshot/pull/392 origin/revert-392-juce-guard-remove, revert-392-juce-guard-remove 2f037ad 2020-01-02 Jonathan Thomas Revert "Remove JUCE defines" 5d5b407 2019-12-30 FeRD (Frank Dana) Travis: Upload coverage report to Codacy ea3bb10 2019-12-30 FeRD (Frank Dana) Travis: Add coverage build, un-failjail FFmpeg4 f8d715c 2019-12-28 FeRD (Frank Dana) tests: Don't use REQUIRE in unit tests b1aff66 2019-12-28 FeRD (Frank Dana) tests: Start Frame_Tests.cpp e49f622 2019-12-27 FeRD (Frank Dana) Use C++11 range-based for loops where we can dc217a9 2019-12-28 FeRD (Frank Dana) tests: Cast container.size() to int for comparison d60678a 2019-12-27 Chris Kirmse correctly calculate remaining_frame_samples 31a0565 2019-12-27 FeRD (Frank Dana) Frame: DeepCopy has_audio_data correctly d0e5d06 2019-12-19 FeRD (Frank Dana) CodeCoverage: import upstream PR changes d5f94dd 2019-12-22 FeRD (Frank Dana) Run LCOV with --no-external c11b4ac 2019-12-19 FeRD (Frank Dana) EffectBase: Remove unused short_name 07b6e2c 2019-12-19 FeRD (Frank Dana) ColorShift effect: Correct class_name fd78be6 2019-12-18 FeRD (Frank Dana) Remove JUCE defines 4806f2f 2019-12-18 Chris Kirmse fix incorrect buffer size being passed to avcodec_fill_audio_frame e502f97 2019-12-15 FeRD (Frank Dana) Don't compare differently-signed types 2fa51a6 2019-12-15 FeRD (Frank Dana) allow_failures for FFmpeg4 build bd4d2bf 2019-12-15 FeRD (Frank Dana) Cover all values in switch(enum_type) 1df9840 2019-12-15 FeRD (Frank Dana) Import CodeCoverage changes 14dc2b3 2019-12-14 FeRD (Frank Dana) CodeCoverage: Import upstream changes 66febac 2019-12-14 FeRD (Frank Dana) Lowercase function names, add change comment a697bda 2019-12-14 FeRD (Frank Dana) Use full paths in COVERAGE_LCOV_EXCLUDES examples 2c71ae4 2019-12-11 FeRD (Frank Dana) FFmpegWriter: Fixes for building with libav 0710ecc 2019-12-10 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix demangling a251382 2019-12-07 FeRD (Frank Dana) Remove Python detection from CodeCoverage 99565bb 2019-12-07 Frank Dana Move feature summary to root CMakeLists (#383) ab3aef4 2019-12-07 FeRD (Frank Dana) Set lcov base directory to PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR 70bf3df 2019-12-07 FeRD (Frank Dana) CodeCoverage.cmake: Add demangling, cleanup b4682ac 2019-12-07 FeRD (Frank Dana) Move coverage to root CMakeLists, add more tooling 7b7f2cc 2019-12-07 FeRD (Frank Dana) Move feature summary to root CMakeLists 89479bb 2019-12-06 Daniel Jour Keyframe tests: Add test about large segment, including performance c940c1f 2019-12-06 Daniel Jour Keyframe: Cleanup duplicate binary search code 1fbdc52 2019-12-06 Daniel Jour Keyframe::GetRepeatFraction(): Binary search, skipping when constant f00edba 2019-12-06 Daniel Jour Keyframe interpolation: In own function; only for Y coordinate 4a5eb20 2019-12-02 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add __repr__ to openshot.Version ed0b081 2019-12-03 Daniel Jour Keyframe::IsIncreasing(): Search over points, not values b40fa69 2019-12-03 Daniel Jour Keyframe::GetMaxPoint() simplify loop 79cb848 2019-12-03 Daniel Jour Keyframe: Move Bezier code into extra function, parameterise c04dc94 2019-12-02 Frank Dana Wrap assignment in conditional with () (#379) 65cb3df 2019-11-30 Daniel Jour Keyframe::GetClosestPoint(): Use binary search 54e8e37 2019-11-30 Daniel Jour Keyframe::Contains(): Use binary search instead of linear search 5e1b6fd 2019-11-29 Frank Dana Minor adjustments to Doxygen API docs (#376) 27bfbbc 2019-11-29 chad3814 FFmpegWriter: match option 'rc_buffer_size' (#377) 7e28460 2019-11-27 Daniel Jour More traditional placement of const specifier, matching casts 4b76c1e 2019-11-26 Daniel Jour Frame.cpp: Avoid unnecessary copy of image data a67fb95 2019-11-25 Daniel Jour Keyframe interpolation selection: Use switch instead of if b546b6a 2019-11-25 Daniel Jour Keyframe: Dedicated Point comparision function instead of lambda's 6f71736 2019-11-25 Daniel Jour Keyframe: mark all non-modifying member functions const edf85dd 2019-11-25 Daniel Jour Keyframe: use = default to specify default constructor 504fd0e 2019-11-24 Daniel Jour KeyFrame_Tests.cpp: Correct usage for CHECK_EQUAL 86c1df2 2019-11-24 Daniel Jour Update Keyframe test curve values; new curves are smoother 3b2e262 2019-11-22 Daniel Jour Keyframe: New implementation calculating values ondemand bd82403 2019-11-22 Daniel Jour KeyFrame_Tests: Additional tests to correctly capture old behaviour 6d81033 2019-11-22 Daniel Jour Keyframe::GetPoint() returns a constant reference now 6bc3428 2019-11-21 Daniel Jour Keyframe::AddPoint() fix: reallocation invalidates iterator 504ea0c 2019-11-19 Daniel Jour Make Keyframe::Values and Keyframe::Points vectors private cb55741 2019-11-19 Daniel Jour Keyframe::AddPoint() add at correct index, keeping Points ordered d9322c1 2019-11-19 Daniel Jour Keyframe::ReorderPoints() use std::sort instead of selection sort 5ba0ecf 2019-11-19 Daniel Jour Keyframe::GetInt() and Keyframe::GetLong() use GetValue 280504f 2019-11-19 Daniel Jour Keyframe::IsIncreasing() remove loop to previous values and counter d47c40d 2019-11-19 Daniel Jour Keyframe::GetDelta() removed unused loop and variables 5f7766e 2019-11-19 Daniel Jour Keyframe::RemovePoint() only set needs_update if a point was removed 6226e9d 2019-11-19 Daniel Jour Keyframe::UpdatePoint() removed redundant code 2b18ad0 2019-11-19 Daniel Jour Keyframe::ScalePoints() skip first point without branch in loop 5ddc6a3 2019-11-19 Daniel Jour Keyframe::FlipPoints() without temporary vector ba4fc5c 2019-11-19 Daniel Jour Enable coverage reporting for openshot-test 099c8cb 2019-11-17 Jonathan Thomas Fixing missing impementation of high quality scale mode in FFmpegWriter origin/high-quality-scaling-bi-cubic, high-quality-scaling-bi-cubic d6a4cb1 2019-11-17 Jonathan Thomas Moving back to SWS_BICUBIC for high quality mode (during export mostly). This provides a sharper image when enlarging images than SWS_LANCZOS, and only has a slight performance disadvantage. 7bbec4c 2019-11-17 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix documentation for Qt(Text/Html)Reader c131c82 2019-11-16 FeRD (Frank Dana) Reverse order of Python detection c002e2b 2019-11-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add libomp-dev package for Clang 59e5e6b 2019-11-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add clang compiling to Travis matrix bc12995 2019-11-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) Lose the generator expressions c7ec690 2019-11-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) CMake: Update linking, no more REQUIRED_LIBRARIES 750677c 2019-11-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) CMake: Manage sources and includes better 42daa20 2019-11-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) FindFFmpeg: Expand duplicate-removal dad3cad 2019-11-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) CMake: Switch to targets for Qt modules 87c06fe 2019-11-02 SuslikV Clarify some comments de1327c 2019-11-01 Frank Dana Fix Windows ZeroMQ for real (#357) fa3f83d 2019-11-01 FeRD (Frank Dana) FindZeroMQ: Only create valid targets d9f3a6b 2019-11-01 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix ZeroMQ linking on Windows be4faac 2019-11-01 FeRD (Frank Dana) Use bundled JsonCPP on linux builder 2535588 2019-10-30 FeRD (Frank Dana) Prefixing fixes for QtHtml/QtText Readers f09ac1b 2019-10-30 FeRD (Frank Dana) CMake: Fix IWYU invocation with unset IWYU_OPTS 6c20fa4 2019-10-30 Jeff Shillitto Set HTML reader duration to 1 hour 21951be 2019-10-30 Jeff Shillitto Set duration to 1 hour 60f6ad6 2019-10-29 FeRD (Frank Dana) FFmpegWriter.cpp: add std:: prefixes ed908fa 2019-10-27 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add ENABLE_IWTU CMake option bcc62f9 2019-10-27 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix juce:: prefixing b6da6b9 2019-10-27 FeRD (Frank Dana) add DONT_SET_USING_JUCE_NAMESPACE to tests 99b455a 2019-10-26 FeRD (Frank Dana) Threads: Use IMPORTED target 001cf00 2019-10-26 FeRD (Frank Dana) Bump CMake min-version to 3.2, display a103404 2019-10-26 FeRD (Frank Dana) ZeroMQ: Use IMPORTED targets 6459464 2019-10-26 FeRD (Frank Dana) DISABLE_TESTS covers entire tests/ dir e7a92a5 2019-10-02 FeRD (Frank Dana) Bindings: Pick up include dirs from targets e15c0c1 2019-10-25 FeRD (Frank Dana) Set still-image duration to 1 hour 56e8d8a 2019-10-25 FeRD (Frank Dana) Remove old commented-out code acadab7 2019-10-15 Jeff Shillitto Stop 24 hours worth for frames being loaded in to memory 0242088 2019-10-11 FeRD (Frank Dana) Let bundled JsonCpp satisfy requirement 275b944 2019-10-10 FeRD (Frank Dana) Handle REQUIRED via feature_summary() 7e2f26d 2019-10-10 FeRD (Frank Dana) use/create jsoncpp_lib target 582a76a 2019-10-08 FeRD (Frank Dana) CMake: REQUIRE OpenMP, use (or create) targets 798dcaf 2019-10-08 FeRD (Frank Dana) CMake: Set required FFMpeg libs 43efabf 2019-10-07 FeRD (Frank Dana) Qt/Video*Thread: ZMQ argument stragglers beab952 2019-10-03 FeRD (Frank Dana) FindFFmpeg: Default to all components, if not specified 7a9567e 2019-10-03 FeRD (Frank Dana) Reverse JsonCpp logic, prefer system-installed aa5247b 2019-10-02 FeRD (Frank Dana) Bindings: Pick up include dirs from targets 655b137 2019-10-02 FeRD (Frank Dana) Bindings: Pick up include dirs from targets 6502c2a 2019-10-02 FeRD (Frank Dana) CMake: Link with FFmpeg:: targets 5bf3893 2019-09-24 FeRD (Frank Dana) FindFFmpeg.cmake: create targets 39de350 2019-10-02 FeRD (Frank Dana) tests: Add tolerance to pixel value checks e070d04 2019-10-02 FeRD (Frank Dana) FFmpegReader::CheckMissingFrame std::map tweaks 1435267 2019-10-01 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add lock to CreateFrame (patch by laochen, #272) 1af92af 2019-09-28 FeRD (Frank Dana) SWIG: Use compactdefaultargs in bindings ee4666f 2019-09-25 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix indentation 986f567 2019-09-25 FeRD (Frank Dana) CMake: Eliminate duplicate include dirs 0658134 2019-09-25 FeRD (Frank Dana) CMake: Add FeatureSummary 1ec431f 2019-09-25 FeRD (Frank Dana) Simplify CMakeLists with loops 9e0d194 2019-09-22 Frank Dana Add comment re: updates to interlace params 33f16d3 2019-09-21 Jeff Shillitto Use QFont instead of setting parameters ba86744 2019-09-21 FeRD (Frank Dana) Use OPENSHOT_VERSION_FULL as Python str() c422f4f 2019-09-21 FeRD (Frank Dana) Separate GetVersion impl, make Pythonic 6aebb10 2019-09-21 FeRD (Frank Dana) More explicit prefixing in Qt/ and Player classes 0cae5da 2019-09-20 Jeff Shillitto Correct parameter documentation 738dd62 2019-09-20 Jeff Shillitto Enable background fill color to be set behind text c8b5300 2019-09-20 Jeff Shillitto Allow font bold and italic properties to be set c78d030 2019-09-18 Frank Dana Delete FindPythonLibs.cmake 1de2ea2 2019-09-16 FeRD (Frank Dana) /CMakeLists.txt: Move tests, add doc message 25ebb24 2019-09-16 FeRD (Frank Dana) Re-enable 'make test' on CMake 3.10+ 9b9e4a7 2019-09-13 FeRD (Frank Dana) CMakeLists: Also detect cppzmq ac7b106 2019-09-15 FeRD (Frank Dana) Travis updates (Bionic, Qt 5.12, config) ee618a0 2019-09-13 FeRD (Frank Dana) Example.cpp: Finish indentation cleanup 9181226 2019-09-13 FeRD (Frank Dana) FFmpegWriter: Source formatting 7fc214d 2019-09-13 FeRD (Frank Dana) openshot-example: Path fixes e3b6478 2019-09-13 FeRD (Frank Dana) FFmpegReader: Fix hardware device message 756e3a4 2019-09-12 FeRD (Frank Dana) Example.py: Remove useless `import sys` b8bb1a8 2019-09-07 FeRD (Frank Dana) A more Pythonic openshot.Fraction 8cb87c0 2019-08-27 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add src/examples/Example.py 5621712 2019-08-24 SuslikV Fix return type mismatch f981e38 2019-08-23 Mario Hros support for HEVC HW VAAPI encoding 6ba4066 2019-08-27 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add src/examples/Example.py 462f0b7 2019-08-27 FeRD (Frank Dana) Exception.h: Document parameters 18c8b61 2019-08-27 FeRD (Frank Dana) Clip_Tests.cpp: No InvalidJSON "" file_path args 291719f 2019-08-27 FeRD (Frank Dana) Effects: No "" file_path args to exceptions 366ff2c 2019-08-27 FeRD (Frank Dana) src: Don't pass "" file_path args to exceptions 49749d5 2019-08-27 FeRD (Frank Dana) Exceptions.h: Optional file_path args 7c48bec 2019-08-25 FeRD (Frank Dana) HTML examples: Code updates 16ca3ae 2019-08-24 SuslikV Fix return type mismatch c4a6ead 2019-08-20 FeRD (Frank Dana) FFmpegReader: Detect interlaced video 0048294 2019-08-14 FeRD (Frank Dana) ExampleHtml.py cleanup 74869ff 2019-08-14 FeRD (Frank Dana) ExampleHtml.cpp cleanup bcaa9ac 2019-08-14 FeRD (Frank Dana) QtText/QtHtmlReader: Don't leak memory in SetJson 0d067b3 2019-08-14 FeRD (Frank Dana) new ExampleHtml.py and updated ExampleHtml.cpp 74c9869 2019-08-14 FeRD (Frank Dana) Python & Ruby bindings for new Readers 0ee9ed8 2019-08-14 Jeff Shillitto Delete image on close 5a08afd 2019-08-14 Jeff Shillitto Set info.vcodec to QImage 3b4580a 2019-08-14 Jeff Shillitto Update documentation with css parameter and valid color values acc2706 2019-08-13 FeRD (Frank Dana) Remove nonexistent example from cmake build 8ab535f 2019-08-13 FeRD (Frank Dana) Update ExampleHtml.cpp for QGuiApplication ada13dd 2019-08-13 Jeff Shillitto Disable undo/redo stack 78f370e 2019-08-13 Jeff Shillitto Add ability to apply style sheet/css to format HTML c8f2c08 2019-08-13 Jeff Shillitto Add authors to docs 745225a 2019-08-13 Jeff Shillitto Rename variable to font_size. Add docs for QApplication 5b4bfa8 2019-08-12 FeRD (Frank Dana) Remove mentions of nonexistent InitFileInfo() c7457e5 2019-08-12 FeRD (Frank Dana) Build example executables correctly b2942f4 2019-08-12 FeRD (Frank Dana) ExampleHtml.cpp updates 140b5fd 2019-08-12 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add src/examples/ExampleHtml.cpp test program b90a83d 2019-08-12 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix documentation-comment formatting, for Doxygen dfbcb47 2019-08-12 SuslikV Disable debug logger on close c4126ae 2019-08-11 FeRD (Frank Dana) Bindings: Apply #defines for optional libs 482ad6b 2019-08-11 Jeff Shillitto Tidy and remove duplicate include 3681121 2019-08-11 Jeff Shillitto Remove std namespace usage dbd8092 2019-08-11 Jeff Shillitto General tidy up and code quality, consistency update 141e6ba 2019-08-10 FeRD (Frank Dana) Use std::stoll to convert JSON values 76fc1ef 2019-08-09 FeRD (Frank Dana) QtImageReader: Safer ReSVG file extension checks 59fe417 2019-08-08 SuslikV Unify indentation of the code strings 5fb9755 2019-08-06 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix truncated output filenames in FFmpegWriter fc76462 2019-08-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) Update table in HW-ACCEL.md for Doxygen 066e255 2019-08-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) AudioResampler: Add juce:: prefixing 9ba18d6 2019-08-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) std:: prefixing for Example.cpp b03a701 2019-08-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) Python openshot.i: Namespace fixes dd74fa3 2019-08-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) ruby openshot.i: namespace fixes 3ce85d0 2019-08-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) openshot:: prefixing as needed for SWIG ce8ff07 2019-08-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) Audio headers: juce:: prefixing as needed bf078a9 2019-08-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) AudioDeviceInfo.h: Add `namespace openshot {}` 91dbcbc 2019-08-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) OpenShotVersion.h.in: std:: prefixes 45cfda4 2019-08-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) (include/src)/effects/: std::prefixes 352fd66 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) Remaining std:: prefixes 4407685 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) (Reader,Writer,Effect)Base.cpp: std:: prefixes 182db74 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) ChunkWriter.cpp: std:: prefixes be9a32c 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) *.h: Eliminate remaining 'using' statements 1334450 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) Decklink*: std:: prefixes f88fd7a 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) FFmpegWriter: std:: prefixes 33cfb8b 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) Clip/DummyReader: std:: prefixes 38e82e7 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) EffectBase/EffectInfo: std:: prefixes 071fc8c 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) ImageReader/ImageWriter: std:: prefixes b56ebf5 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) QtPlayer/QtImageReader: std:: prefixes ed895f0 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) Profiles/Settings: std:: prefixes 3879b09 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) FrameMapper/KeyFrame/Point: std:: prefixes f927cc0 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) Color/Coordinate: std:: prefixes 4f38ac9 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) ChunkReader/ChunkWriter: std:: prefixes 9f32f5e 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) std:: prefixes for ClipBase b64a100 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) std:: prefixes for ReaderBase 5746cd7 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) std:: prefixes for TextReader.h/.cpp cb567e4 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) std:: prefixes for AudioBufferSource/AudioDeviceInfo b6b832f 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) std:: prefixes for CacheBase/Disk/Memory 0b6f9ff 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) AudioReaderSource.h: Remove 'using...std' b4b6223 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) std:: prefixes for FFmpegReader.h/.cpp e49039d 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) std:: prefixes for Timeline.h/.cpp 3946eaa 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix include path list, for subdirectories 0dbbe94 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) Use std:: in WriterBase c77f009 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) Remove "dummy" args from ZmqLogger stragglers 552f753 2019-08-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) Prefix all string types with std:: 160df3a 2019-08-02 FeRD (Frank Dana) Python install path: remove site-packages detection f434b06 2019-07-31 eisneinechse Move #endif bacd46d 2019-07-30 SuslikV Fix crash during seeking at the start of the file 4d7ecde 2019-07-30 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix misleading indentation e94436b 2019-07-30 FeRD (Frank Dana) Raise SWIG version requirement to 3.0 e9ba82d 2019-07-27 jediserg --add missing include and header guard macro 7e57156 2019-07-26 FeRD (Frank Dana) Enable Audio/Video choices show as Auto/Off/On 2ffce23 2019-07-25 Jonathan Thomas Enable verbose logging origin/msys2-update, msys2-update 50963c6 2019-07-25 Jonathan Thomas Enable verbose logging cf0e827 2019-07-23 Jonathan Thomas Adding logging support for resvg (which will output on stderr) origin/improved-resvg-logging, improved-resvg-logging 40521c9 2019-07-22 Sergei Kolesov --add gravity to QtHtmlReader efddb1b 2019-07-16 Jonathan Thomas Fixing python3.6 to 3.7 Windows reference bfd7079 2019-07-16 Jonathan Thomas Fixing python3.6 to 3.7 Windows reference 47d6977 2019-07-16 Frank Dana Fix override syntax 4a1d133 2019-07-16 nick black PlayerDemo: declare keyPressEvent() override 09a1715 2019-07-16 Jonathan Thomas Updating MSYS2 with new syntax 935a740 2019-07-12 Frank Dana Remove spurious include c4c625b 2019-07-12 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add 0.1.8 minimum version for libopenshot-audio 8dcefbd 2019-07-12 FeRD (Frank Dana) Overhaul FindOpenShotAudio.cmake 0ac3720 2019-07-12 FeRD (Frank Dana) SWIG: Warnings cleanup bf4323f 2019-07-12 Jeff Shillitto Fixed missing include and Qt gravity 35eb6ad 2019-07-11 FeRD (Frank Dana) Clean up allocated memory in JSON code 86e610b 2019-07-10 Frank Dana Fix parameter documentation for brightness 9806694 2019-07-09 Jonathan Thomas Fix crash caused by resvg failing to parse SVG (when Qt can still parse things fine) origin/fix-resvg-render-size, fix-resvg-render-size a4cc119 2019-07-09 Jonathan Thomas Fix SVG render size for Resvg (breaking common transitions) fd79eba 2019-07-07 FeRD (Frank Dana) Install docs in DOCDIR/API, if built ac9ea27 2019-07-06 jediserg --add QtHtmlReader 3577280 2019-07-06 FeRD (Frank Dana) Exclude all build* files/directories @ root level e1ffe07 2019-07-03 FeRD (Frank Dana) ZmqLogger.h: Correct default values for optional params f29a6bc 2019-07-03 FeRD (Frank Dana) Trim unnecessary args off logging calls 75c9565 2019-07-03 FeRD (Frank Dana) ZmqLogger.h: Remove using namespace std; add prefixes 2dc2fff 2019-07-03 FeRD (Frank Dana) ZmqLogger: default AppendDebugMethod()'s extra params 8076514 2019-07-03 FeRD (Frank Dana) Exceptions.h: fixes for noexcept, unused vars, std:: 25b5225 2019-07-03 FeRD (Frank Dana) Always catch-by-reference in C++11 cb6ac21 2019-07-03 FeRD (Frank Dana) src/effects: Catch-by-reference 8158a1f 2019-07-03 FeRD (Frank Dana) Catch-by-reference for tests/Clip_Tests db51ea1 2019-07-03 FeRD (Frank Dana) FFmpegUtilities: inline av_make_error_string 4e08ab3 2019-07-01 Jonathan Thomas Fixing a few more conflicts between this branch and develop origin/cmake-owns-version, cmake-owns-version 376170d 2019-07-01 Jonathan Thomas Merging work from @ferdnyc, to move version info to CMake, and other misc Cmake improvements. This was the easiest way to resolve the merge conflict for me (to apply it locally and commit it). cf9fbf4 2019-06-26 FeRD (Frank Dana) Properly install DLL on Win32 8f42a9f 2019-06-26 Frank Dana Fix tabs-vs-spaces indent in Timeline.h b851508 2019-06-25 jediserg --add QtTextWriter (it's based on TextReader and use Qt instead image magick) e2677e4 2019-06-22 Chad Walker fix the crop_x and crop_y min and max 094c378 2019-06-21 Chad Walker add crop properties to json 9d09b65 2019-06-21 Jonathan Thomas Revert "Don't break Python install path detection on Debian" ac8876f 2019-06-21 Jonathan Thomas Removing duplicated destructor definitions and implementations... so our virtual destructors will not break on older toolchains. origin/virtual-destructor-break, virtual-destructor-break c7371bc 2019-06-21 Jonathan Thomas Fixing invalid script path origin/auto-update-documentation, auto-update-documentation bf9e45b 2019-06-21 Jonathan Thomas Make docs on Linux builder, and auto-update doc files for develop branch a47d5b5 2019-06-21 Frank Dana Add backwards-compatible Imagemagick 7 support (#252) c54a370 2019-06-20 eisneinechse Update FFmpegUtilities.h 40b9891 2019-06-20 eisneinechse Update FFmpegWriter.cpp ddd7821 2019-06-19 FeRD (Frank Dana) Also adjust tests for new jsoncpp 9378225 2019-06-19 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add -no-integrated-cpp for G++ < 9 744a4f3 2019-06-19 FeRD (Frank Dana) Remove Json:Reader eab81b0 2019-06-19 FeRD (Frank Dana) Upgrade jsoncpp to 1.8.4 26090c2 2019-06-13 FeRD (Frank Dana) Set the dot graphs to generate as interactive SVG 95aca48 2019-06-13 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix some bugs in UseDoxygen.cmake 55f26a2 2019-06-13 FeRD (Frank Dana) Doxyfile.in: Switch on referenced-by linking 0dcbc20 2019-06-12 FeRD (Frank Dana) Doxygen docs: Link to install docs 7319201 2019-06-12 FeRD (Frank Dana) Doygen: Include doc/*.md in docs 4455f77 2019-06-12 FeRD (Frank Dana) Crop.h: Remove nonexistent color argument 5292661 2019-06-12 FeRD (Frank Dana) Also remove install guide ref from OpenShot.h 3ba6ba2 2019-06-12 FeRD (Frank Dana) Upgrade Doyfile.in df4fc4b 2019-06-12 FeRD (Frank Dana) Doxyfile.in: Remove doc/InstallationGuide.pdf 7d8c1da 2019-06-12 Frank Dana Doxyfile.in: Exclude all examples 0fd335a 2019-06-11 Chad Walker use source_image->width() and source_image->height() instead of scaled_source_width and scaled_source_height f82c01d 2019-06-11 Chad Walker make use of crop_x, crop_y, crop_with, crop_height keyframes 9261f46 2019-06-11 FeRD (Frank Dana) More copyright, missed a few older ones f170fdd 2019-06-11 FeRD (Frank Dana) Update copyright range to current year be7db11 2019-06-11 SuslikV Add streamable file format options for mp4, mov ae96690 2019-06-09 FeRD (Frank Dana) Doxyfile.in: Exclude python source 0327c2a 2019-06-09 FeRD (Frank Dana) Remove license block from documentation comment 722d672 2019-06-08 Jonathan Thomas Update Frame.cpp 3f926f4 2019-06-08 Jonathan Thomas Update FFmpegReader_Tests.cpp 238e2d1 2019-06-08 Jonathan Thomas Update FFmpegReader_Tests.cpp 2b308c6 2019-06-08 Jonathan Thomas Update Frame.h 438b2c3 2019-06-08 Jonathan Thomas Update Frame.cpp 2be5e5e 2019-06-04 Jonathan Thomas Fixing crash on certain hardware accelerator modes (specifically decoder 2, device 0) origin/hardware-improvements, hardware-improvements e1b474e 2019-06-03 eisneinechse Silence deprecated warnings in ffmpeg 3.x 855fd85 2019-05-10 Jeff Shillitto Fix path to Settings.h 13e74b1 2019-05-31 Jonathan Thomas Adding new CheckPixel method to validate a specific pixel color 25e51d8 2019-05-30 Chris Kirmse free cache in FrameMapper::Close() fab70dd 2019-05-15 Chad Walker plug another small leak 4a3985e 2019-05-14 Jonathan Thomas Updating comment origin/memory-fixes, memory-fixes 9ffd6a6 2019-05-13 Jonathan Thomas Fixing crash when destructing Timeline/Clips/FrameMapper 6335d6f 2019-05-13 Jonathan Thomas Adding debugging messaging to unit test which is failing on Travis CI 968e472 2019-05-13 Jonathan Thomas Tweak how Timeline manages the cache object (sometimes itself, and sometimes by the user if they call SetCache) bd21d1a 2019-05-13 Jonathan Thomas Fixing crash on Timeline::Close due to deleted FrameMappers 8ea0af5 2019-05-10 Chris Kirmse fix allocations to be done the same for ffmpeg < 3.2 d5a2950 2019-05-09 Chris Kirmse change freeing of frame_mappers allocated in Timeline 833fcb8 2019-05-08 Chris Kirmse fix a number of memory leaks d23197c 2019-05-08 Jonathan Thomas Updating hwaccel table to use emojis (instead of words) take 3 origin/improved-qimage-scale-caching, improved-qimage-scale-caching c55d855 2019-05-05 eisneinechse Simplification bfa8a83 2019-05-03 eisneinechse The default return value is present 626a2f7 2019-05-02 FeRD (Frank Dana) Python: Assume /usr/local prefix on Debian eab0bbb 2019-05-02 Jonathan Thomas Revert "Update Python install path detection" 4a0f0fa 2019-05-02 Jonathan Thomas Updating hwaccel table to use emojis (instead of words) take 3 origin/hardware-support, hardware-support 10ef883 2019-05-02 Jonathan Thomas Updating hwaccel table to use emojis (instead of words) da07ab2 2019-05-02 Jonathan Thomas Updating hwaccel table to use emojis (instead of words) 6f00062 2019-05-02 Jonathan Thomas Fixing small regression with SetMaxSize and missing display_ratio and pixel_ratio 2b42574 2019-05-01 Jonathan Thomas Adding SetJson support for display_ratio and pixel_ratio updates, and improving SetMaxSize to maintain aspect ratio correctly, regardless of what is passed in. This helps support things like square aspect ratios. fad8f40 2019-04-30 Jonathan Thomas Simplifying hardware decoder logic (when looking for pixmap) 9324b69 2019-04-30 Jonathan Thomas Improving HW-ACCEL documentation 27450a8 2019-04-30 eisneinechse Clarify table 70f07ca 2019-04-30 Jonathan Thomas Improving HW-ACCEL documentation cdb4ae5 2019-04-29 Jonathan Thomas Fixing crash on Mac due to juce::String again 2bafe60 2019-04-28 Jonathan Thomas Removing 0 cases, and adding new QSV decoder support (experimental) 3bd2ae5 2019-04-28 Jonathan Thomas Integrating VDPAU decoding into libopenshot eea67ad 2019-04-27 eisneinechse Link to instruction to produce ffmpeg 4 plus the libraries on Ubuntu that support nVidia GPU acceleration. Tested on Mint 19.1. 665a03f 2019-04-27 Sergey Parfenyuk Fix logical statements 49831a2 2019-04-27 Sergey Parfenyuk Add virtual destructor for abstract classes ef2ed56 2019-04-24 Jonathan Thomas More refactoring for Mac compile breakage a69c34f 2019-04-24 Jonathan Thomas Small refactor to audio device manager initialise (to prevent compile breakage on Mac) 140fbad 2019-04-23 Jonathan Thomas Added new AudioDeviceInfo struct, and populate a vector of them on QtPlayer initialization. This allows a user to overwrite the preferred audio device by using the setting PLAYBACK_AUDIO_DEVICE_NAME. 7933527 2019-04-21 Jonathan Thomas Removing old commented out code 65d9134 2019-04-21 eisneinechse Remove DECODE varaible. Turn out that a buggy graphic driver was the problem. e6efea7 2019-04-21 eisneinechse Update documentation 0e77fbd 2019-04-21 eisneinechse Re-anable the DECODER test bb561ae 2019-04-21 eisneinechse Temporarily disable test for DECODER 825e38a 2019-04-21 eisneinechse Removing old way to select hardware support Removing the decode setting makes hardware supported decode break. There must be some hidden dependency on that variable somewhere which might also be responsible for the problems with nVidia on Linux. TODO Remove the dependency 4c65804 2019-04-19 eisneinechse User interface is now usable f6465e3 2019-04-18 Jonathan Thomas Experimental Python install path logic 8d3263f 2019-04-18 eisneinechse Some information 19f5fa3 2019-04-18 eisneinechse Replace qsv with videotoolbox for MacOS codec library. Windows and MacOS is not tested! We need users who test it. b3f5406 2019-04-18 Jonathan Thomas More code reformatting on FFmpegWriter.h/.cpp dc4d687 2019-04-18 Frank Dana Travis CI: Also run `make install` 7930b28 2019-04-18 FeRD (Frank Dana) Update Python install path detection 893b91b 2019-04-18 Jonathan Thomas Adding doc/HW-ACCEL.md document, code reformatting, some variable renaming dcff724 2019-04-11 eisneinechse Revert to older version plus add slash 2dd1969 2019-04-11 eisneinechse Alternate version 94d4de4 2019-04-11 eisneinechse 2nd attempt f61d054 2019-04-11 eisneinechse cmake hack Find the right install directory. I hope someone will come up with a more elegant way. 195b576 2019-04-06 FeRD (Frank Dana) Make os_test use openshot-test target 04b3d2f 2019-04-06 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix up JsonCPP discovery messages 2748e9a 2019-04-06 FeRD (Frank Dana) Use if(POLICY) 62a68aa 2019-04-06 Jonathan Thomas Fixing python install logic in gitlab (since we've changed the prefix of where it's installed) origin/fix-python-install-cmake3, fix-python-install-cmake3 6e7b989 2019-04-06 Jonathan Thomas Removing policy experiment origin/rename-cmake-test, rename-cmake-test 9a7a720 2019-04-06 eisneinechse change target of test to os_test in travis 999d202 2019-04-06 eisneinechse cmake target test renamed to os_test (test is predefined in cmake 3) 496183c 2019-04-06 Jonathan Thomas change `make test` to `make os_test` (due to changes in cmake 3) ab46eea 2019-04-06 FeRD (Frank Dana) Remove accidentally-committed tilde files dbc6e8e 2019-04-05 Jonathan Thomas Attempt to fix cmake "test" reserved word error b1f1df7 2019-04-05 Jonathan Thomas Attempt to fix cmake "test" reserved word error 42e2c99 2019-04-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) Re-enable C lang for old CMake f26978d 2019-04-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) tests/CMakeLists.txt: Use generic PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR f3c35da 2019-04-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) Don't break older cmake with new policy 268e72a 2019-04-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) Update copyright and cmake output 3d8c241 2019-04-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) Bindings build in CMake 3.1-3.14+ 708f325 2019-04-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) Modernize project for CMake 3.1+ 6ee1ab1 2018-07-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) Use updated, improved UseDoxygen.cmake 85a1029 2019-04-04 Jonathan Thomas Updating Qt apt repository for xenial origin/juce5, juce5 6fb4971 2019-04-04 Jonathan Thomas Requiring sudo for Travis ci 4c532fe 2019-04-04 Jonathan Thomas Change travis ci to use xenial dist (instead of trusty) 9dbb063 2019-04-04 Jonathan Thomas Persist any error returned by JUCE during initialise() method, such as sample rate issues on Windows (when playback and recording sample rates do not match, which breaks WASAPI) 76e87e6 2019-04-03 Jonathan Thomas Reorder x64 windows build before x86 build 6e2600d 2019-03-30 Jonathan Thomas Moving JuceHeader.h below other includes, to be sure it is always included after system libraries (for Mac Point build failure) 13ab8b4 2019-03-30 Jonathan Thomas Moving JuceHeader.h in ZmqLogger.h, to come after system libraries (to prevent error on Mac related to Point declaration) 7e7f5c3 2019-03-29 FeRD (Frank Dana) Use new Juce header file location 3e5dc1d 2019-03-29 FeRD (Frank Dana) Streamline libopenshot-audio discovery 650d3ec 2019-03-14 Chris Kirmse fix grammar error with possessive its and update sample for audio parameter cd4e25e 2019-03-10 eisneinechse Fix for FFmpeg 2.x a170d7d 2019-03-10 eisneinechse Check if the codec supports CRF when setting q values b5ebc99 2019-03-10 eisneinechse Adjust the q values for low quality crf settings 6b9a9ca 2019-03-08 eisneinechse Removed the branch for low fixed bitrate q values as it did not work with mpeg2 export. Now for low fixed bitrates no presets for the q values are set. TODO find the optimum q values for each codec for low and high bitrates 6a21c98 2019-03-08 eisneinechse Fixed q values for low fixed bitrates. Low bitrates should now be produced if desired. DOTO fine tune the q values 16c3d53 2019-03-08 eisneinechse Fix problem with q values for crf quality setting. DOTO adjust q values according to desired quality 48a2656 2019-03-01 eisneinechse AVoid crashes with mp3 that are tagged by removing AV_ALLOCATE_IMAGE(pFrame, AV_GET_CODEC_PIXEL_FORMAT( ... a2b8eaf 2019-02-15 eisneinechse Allow to use nvenc and nvdec in Windows for nVidia cards. nVidia card don't use the DX API like intel or AMD cards. If ffmpeg and the libraries are compiled with nvenc and nvdec support on WIndows this should(!) now work. 334a46c 2019-02-01 eisneinechse Fix check if GPU can be used for encoding and decoding 2e635e3 2019-01-31 eisneinechse Formating and Cleanup Fix forgotten break in switch 596ae0e 2019-01-30 eisneinechse More changes to move to Settings, still needs work 2ca8421 2019-01-30 eisneinechse First changes to use Settings instead of GetEnv 7e3669b 2019-01-29 eisneinechse Formating 05fb797 2019-01-29 eisneinechse Move the check if hw accell ecoding is used with crf to the right place 39bf06b 2019-01-27 eisneinechse Now VP8, VP9, h.264, h.265 have working crf 1a44bd7 2019-01-27 eisneinechse Make sure that crf is not set in SetOptions 46051fb 2019-01-27 eisneinechse Form follows function Moved crf back to SetVideoOptions and adjusted parameters Now h.264 and VP9 have working crf Some small changes in preparation for Settings 9aeec7d 2019-01-26 eisneinechse Set the bitrate to 0 if no valid value was given. It is needed for the crf lossless setting bb8efeb 2019-01-26 FeRD (Frank Dana) Ruby: Rename RSHIFT to RB_RSHIFT, temporarily f2db5fd 2019-01-26 FeRD (Frank Dana) FFmpegUtilities: Rename RSHIFT to FF_RSHIFT e10695f 2018-12-20 eisneinechse Fixed two memory leaks 4dcc72a 2018-12-19 eisneinechse Fixed bug compiling for older ffmpeg versions < 3.2 dac2c9a 2018-12-15 Jeff Shillitto Add a text background colored box option to the text reader de1bd4f 2018-12-09 eisneinechse Typos in Windows part 23e2871 2018-12-08 eisneinechse Bring Windows and Mac up to date 70954f8 2018-12-08 eisneinechse Typo, plus removed hack for my hardware d07e851 2018-12-08 eisneinechse Hardware decode and encode can now be configured completely in Preferences->Performance. The old enable hardware decode is disabled. Now the graphics card can be chosen (0 is the first one) that should be used for encode and/or decode. They needn't be the same! nVidia decode still not working nVidia encode is working with driver 396 Vaapi should be working. mesa-va-drivers must be installed for AMD i965-va-driver must be installed for intel GPUs. Using one card to decode and one to encode an option with laptops with an iGPU and a dedicated GPU (dGPU), as an example. 7cadeb3 2018-11-26 eisneinechse More cleanup 1713fec 2018-11-26 eisneinechse More adjustments to enable hardware decode with nvdec/cuvid e7f2494 2018-11-26 eisneinechse First changes to make hardware accelerated DECODE work with decoders other than vaapi. Encode is already working for nvenc; nvidia driver 396 has to be installed for nvenc to work. On nVidia card turn accelerated decode off in Preferences->Performance for now 514cb11 2018-11-25 eisneinechse When multiple graphics cards are installed the import with hardware acceleration has to have the card number set or the opening of the device will fail. TODO check multiple formats. Right now only the first is checked which is vaapi. 325f58f 2018-11-15 eisneinechse Changes to use AV1 if ffmpeg >= 4.0 is used with libaom support 53eec32 2018-09-25 eisneinechse In case CRF is not supported like in hardware accelerated codecs or in mpeg2 a bitrate is calculated that should be close to the one expected with the given CRF value. 1cd8401 2018-09-23 eisneinechse Put brackets in the if statement to show that the pragma critical and the followwing command are one block. b925a9b 2018-09-23 eisneinechse protect add_effect with critical 0227397 2018-09-19 eisneinechse Set the graphics card used to decode or encode by setting the environment variable HW_EN_DEVICE_SET for enncoding and HW_DE_DEVICE_SET for decoding. The first card is 0, the second 1 and so on. For now only running on Linux. f2323da 2018-09-19 eisneinechse Preparation to choose the graphics card not by name but by number 1, 2, 3. First implementation just for Linux and decode 0b260a9 2018-09-18 eisneinechse Code cleanup and move messages regarding hardware acceleration to Debug Logger 555eb1f 2018-09-18 eisneinechse Use logger for messages about acceleration 1f36d12 2018-09-18 Jonathan Thomas Moving delcaration outside of conditional compile logic (so Windows and Mac builds work) 161acb3 2018-09-18 eisneinechse Include messages in the compile display to make sure the right ffmpeg version is used (>= 3.2) to get hardware acceleration 800dc87 2018-09-18 eisneinechse Information is printed to the console where openshot was started that shows if hardware decode or siftware decode is being used 38f4bc6 2018-09-18 eisneinechse Adding aoutput if decode device is not found df9d1a5 2018-09-16 eisneinechse Implement the use of CRF instead od kB/s or MB/s for some formats: VP8, VP9, h264, h265 0 crf with VP9 is lossless 0 crf with VP8, h264, h265 should be lossless 08c7f88 2018-09-14 eisneinechse The part of the code that should get the config that is used to get the constraints of the GPU is now inside a #if . One can enable it by setting the constant in line 33 of FFmpegReader.cpp to 1. Do not enable that part unless you want to fid a way that works as it also needs the package libva-dev (Ubuntu) to be installed. d97a1bc 2018-09-14 eisneinechse Commented code that isn't working yet but complicates compilation by needing extra packages. 3a2d468 2018-09-13 eisneinechse Included an if for included files not present in ffmpeg 2 10c8d69 2018-09-13 eisneinechse Maximum width and height for hardware decode can now be set in preferences cfcddd1 2018-09-13 eisneinechse Still not able to retreive the maximum dimensions supported by the hardware (line 312 FFmegReader.cpp) Now using defaults of 1950 * 1100 defined in lines 35,36 a1ffa6b 2018-09-11 eisneinechse Removed one include 4db2217 2018-09-11 eisneinechse Fallback for hardware accelerated decode to software decode in case the GPU can noy handle the dimensions of the frame. Not yet working, va_config not yet set. f8fed17 2018-09-09 eisneinechse More code cleanup (easier to read) Comment included with start of error handling aff1be9 2018-09-09 eisneinechse Support for multiple input files c29bf21 2018-09-09 eisneinechse Simplifications of FFmpegReader and start of setting parameters per input file 2a80cca 2018-09-08 eisneinechse Let hw_de_on be visible to all versions of ffmpeg d6f52ea 2018-09-08 eisneinechse Only use the hw accel variables when ffmpeg >= 3.2 e7c94e7 2018-09-08 eisneinechse hide dx11 36cbba2 2018-09-08 eisneinechse More cleanup 0191ff5 2018-09-08 eisneinechse Further cleanup e7c1ced 2018-09-08 eisneinechse Cleanup import video hardware accelerated and first attempt with nvidia cards. Still no error handling when the dimensions of the video are too large 16c8302 2018-09-08 eisneinechse Basic support for nvidia encode (decode later) f7dd2b1 2018-09-08 eisneinechse First adjustment to later include NVENC (nvidia encoder) 6925f6f 2018-09-07 eisneinechse Use the static scheduler in ordered clause. Otherwise OpenMP uses a scheduler it thinks is best which can be dynamic or guided. Both sometimes let other threads continue before the block is finished. That will crash the program with high thread counts and a cache that is not large enough to hold old enough frames, which leads to a crash when in some cases like transitions two different frames are used although one is no longer in the cache. The static scheduler always waits until the block is finished before enabling other threads. be979cd 2018-09-06 eisneinechse Accelerated encode now supported by Windows and Mac. Only tested on Linux though due to absense of hardware/software. Tested to compile on Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 18.04, and 18.10 Acceleration only available on systems with ffmpeg 3.2 and up Very early code, work in progress. Issues to be fixed soon: if hardware cannot decode because the size is too big it keeps trying. more interfaces supported like vdpau in Linux error handling user interface Many commented lines of code are still in the source to help people start who may want to help. 063faef 2018-09-04 eisneinechse Hardware acceleration for Windows and Mac, still disabled but code is there. This should show where modifications are to be made to support Linux, Mac, and Windows Only decoding, encoding will follow soon 314177b 2018-09-02 eisneinechse Let the user choose which installed graphics card to use for decoding HW_DE_DEVICE_SET and/or encoding HW_EN_DEVICE_SET Possible options are /dev/dri/renderD128 for the first, /dev/dri/renderD129 for the second, and so on. 384b6e0 2018-08-31 eisneinechse Set limit of threads for OpenMP and ffmpeg by setting the environment variables LIMIT_OMP_THREADS and LIMIT_FF_THREADS If they are not set the normal values are used 340803e 2018-08-31 eisneinechse Initial rudimentary support for hardware acceleration (encode and decode) Only Linux vaapi for now 6b5e2d4 2018-08-12 Jonathan Thomas Moving `omp taskwait` to after the ProcessVideoPacket() method, since that is the only place it is useful. 8216795 2018-08-12 Jonathan Thomas Adding environment checking to enable/disable omp taskwait after each video/audio frame is processed. This is experimental for some users with crashes. 95abdcf 2018-08-11 Jonathan Thomas FFmpeg4 support. Compile warnings fixes. Credit goes to many people, including ferdnyc, peterM, and other awesome folks! c570868 2018-06-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) Update wipe-tests example to latest API
d4b8aa4 2020-01-08 Jonathan Thomas Improved way to generate git logs from the current commit to the previous tag. During a release, we tag the current commit during the publishing, and then it starts detecting no changes (since we are ON the current tag). HEAD -> release-20200105, origin/release-20200105 ffd3043 2020-01-07 Jonathan Thomas Bumping HEX_VERSION_OVERRIDE also (forgot this) 12eb1c1 2020-01-05 Jonathan Thomas Bump version to 0.1.9 (SO 7) f264bc8 2019-11-13 FeRD (Frank Dana) Apply JUCE input device fix 006fd01 2019-11-11 FeRD (Frank Dana) Travis: Remove unused packages 33e66c7 2019-10-22 FeRD (Frank Dana) Use IMPORTED target for Thread library 349681e 2019-10-21 FeRD (Frank Dana) ALSA: Use or create IMPORTED library target eee055d 2019-10-21 FeRD (Frank Dana) ZLIB: Use IMPORTED target for linking da57427 2019-09-16 FeRD (Frank Dana) Update build messages for documentation 17dd86e 2019-09-14 FeRD (Frank Dana) Travis: Add Ubuntu Bionic (18.04) build 8482dcb 2019-07-30 FeRD (Frank Dana) Travis: build with "-Wall -Wpedantic" flags 0f2c251 2019-07-30 FeRD (Frank Dana) Main.cpp: Remove unused variable 474aef1 2019-07-26 FeRD (Frank Dana) Drop extra win32 libs, update comments 12d2a07 2019-07-26 FeRD (Frank Dana) Prune Win32 link libraries d1c09f8 2019-07-25 Jonathan Thomas Fixing order of windows link commands (hopefully). Kernel32.dll must come after Winmm.dll, or older versions of 32-bit windows will fail to find certain symbols. 434676b 2019-07-25 Jonathan Thomas Enable verbose logging, enabling 32-bit builds of libopenshot-audio for Windows origin/msys2-update, msys2-update 49ac102 2019-07-25 Jonathan Thomas Enable verbose logging 456569b 2019-07-19 FeRD (Frank Dana) Travis: OS X updates 534e81d 2019-07-16 Jonathan Thomas Adding make arg de5ccae 2019-07-16 Jonathan Thomas Changing makefile type to MSYS Makefile 8b84173 2019-07-07 FeRD (Frank Dana) Travis: add MacOS build 36917e4 2019-07-07 FeRD (Frank Dana) Clean up hardcoded hex version slightly b6f0507 2019-07-07 FeRD (Frank Dana) Add ugly workaround for PROJECT_VERSION_HEX f0b462b 2019-07-07 FeRD (Frank Dana) Generate JUCE headers from templates 0c86a6d 2019-07-07 FeRD (Frank Dana) Move doc install to DOCDIR/API 95afd92 2019-07-06 FeRD (Frank Dana) Exclude all build* files/directories @ root level 9235689 2019-07-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix Python3 discovery, add docs install 206c52d 2019-07-01 FeRD (Frank Dana) Turn off Doxygen warnings 64350f3 2019-07-01 FeRD (Frank Dana) Check targets exist b4 setting depends 3f96c16 2019-06-30 FeRD (Frank Dana) A few more Doxygen tweaks 604961e 2019-06-30 FeRD (Frank Dana) INSTALL.md: Clean up formatting for doxygen 531e0cd 2019-06-30 FeRD (Frank Dana) Don't remove juce namespace 1438ace 2019-06-13 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix some bugs in UseDoxygen.cmake acb3b0e 2019-06-12 FeRD (Frank Dana) Doygen: Include doc/*.md in docs aab360c 2019-06-30 FeRD (Frank Dana) Doxygen: Update formatting from JUCE configs 2966e43 2019-06-30 FeRD (Frank Dana) Doxyfile.in: Update configs from JUCE distribution 78be6f4 2019-06-30 FeRD (Frank Dana) Doxyfile.in: Upgrade with doxygen -u 5577587 2019-06-27 Frank Dana Win32: Update DONT_AUTOLINK define name 1844e5a 2019-06-26 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix Win32 library install 8c03300 2019-06-19 FeRD (Frank Dana) Remove documentation install logic 6a2c5e6 2019-06-19 FeRD (Frank Dana) Define version info in CMakeLists.txt 76986d4 2019-04-18 Frank Dana Travis CI: Also run `make install` c2891b6 2019-04-09 Frank Dana Restore missing blank line ff0c88e 2019-04-09 FeRD (Frank Dana) Remove X11 and freetype libs from Travis build 70ba9fc 2019-04-09 FeRD (Frank Dana) Remove graphical dependencies cdc29e4 2019-04-05 Jonathan Thomas Requiring sudo for Travis ci origin/fix-cmake3-syntax, fix-cmake3-syntax 9da71f5 2019-04-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) Modernize project for CMake 3.1+ 76794f6 2019-04-04 FeRD (Frank Dana) Use updated, improved UseDoxygen.cmake 7e98e5c 2019-04-04 Jonathan Thomas Requiring sudo for Travis ci origin/new-travis-dist, new-travis-dist 971e253 2019-04-04 Jonathan Thomas Updating travis ci dist to xenial (instead of trusty). Trusty does not use cmake 3, and is about to be retired. 7fef90d 2019-04-03 Jonathan Thomas Reorder x64 windows build before x86 build origin/juce5, juce5 7eb42e5 2019-04-03 Jonathan Thomas Output error during initialise() in openshot-audio-test-sound program 83ce9e1 2019-03-30 Jonathan Thomas Enabling JUCE_WASAPI_EXCLUSIVE 29b42e6 2019-03-30 Jonathan Thomas Init COM on thread (WASAPI won't work with libopenshot-audio without this line) 10835cb 2019-03-30 Jonathan Thomas Experimental attempt to ignore MacType.h Point class 2543574 2019-03-29 Jonathan Thomas Correctly including and linking ZLIB for Mac and Windows e5c5878 2019-03-29 Jonathan Thomas Adding c++11 for Linux builds as well (and doing tweaking some formatting) de66645 2019-03-29 FeRD (Frank Dana) C++11 for the test program, too a01262e 2019-03-29 FeRD (Frank Dana) Enable C++11 support, for Juce 5 c43849c 2019-03-29 FeRD (Frank Dana) Install AppConfig.h as well b6e5337 2019-03-29 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix isfinite() for ruby bindings 7cdd88f 2019-03-29 FeRD (Frank Dana) Re-parent Juce header install path f8dcc44 2019-03-29 FeRD (Frank Dana) Use cmake FindALSA module to detect asound 3f409cc 2019-03-29 FeRD (Frank Dana) Use cmake detection for zlib (unbundled) f35dfd4 2019-03-29 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix globbing to pick up Juce sources 64d9cc9 2019-03-29 FeRD (Frank Dana) Detect Freetype with standard cmake module 71a032d 2019-03-29 FeRD (Frank Dana) Update build configs for new Juce dfa4d65 2019-03-29 FeRD (Frank Dana) Don't pollute global namespace with std 6b33856 2019-03-29 FeRD (Frank Dana) Regenerate Juce from 5.4.3 955948d 2018-05-05 FeRD (Frank Dana) Fix spelling of ASIO in CMakeLists.txt
Et le Futur ?
Le développement est maintenant tourné vers OpenShot 3.0 qui apportera une très grande refonte de l’interface utilisateur. Celle-ci sera plus moderne, un look plus dans l’ère du temps, et de nombreuses améliorations liées aux animations et aux images clés. Tel est l’objectif global de cette future version.
Si vous voulez consulter l’article original c’est ici
En attendant, amusez-vous bien avec.