Envoyer un courriel avec NodeMCU sur l'ESP8266
Nous avons précédemment parlé de l'ESP8266 en le propulsant à l'aide de Micropython. Il est églament possible de propulser un ESP8266 à l'aide de NodeMCU, un microframework en lua (attention, c'est trompeur, NodeMCU désigne à la fois un type de matériel et le logiciel qui le propulse).
Pour bâtir la version du firmware NodeMCU adapté à son usage, on peut utiliser ce site internet : https://nodemcu-build.com/
Une fois NodeMCU construit, on l'envoie à l'aide des commandes :
esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 erase_flash esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 460800 write_flash --flash_size=8m 0 /path/to/nodemcu.bin
Voyons maintenant comment utiliser NodeMCU. Nous allons d'abord placer sur l'ESP8266 un fichier "init.lua" qui servira à l'initialisation de l'ESP8266 et notamment à sa connexion au WIfi local :
function startup() if file.open("init.lua") == nil then print("init.lua deleted") else print("Running") file.close("init.lua") print("Running main.lua") dofile("main.lua") end end --init.lua wifi.sta.disconnect() print("Set up wifi mode") wifi.setmode(wifi.STATION) --on active la connexion à un point d'accès wifi.sta.config("ssid","password",0) --SSID et mot de passe du point d'accès wifi.sta.connect() tmr.alarm(1, 1000, 1, function() if wifi.sta.getip()== nil then print("IP unavailable, Waiting...") else tmr.stop(1) print("Config done, IP is "..wifi.sta.getip()) --si réussite, alors on affiche les infos du réseau print("You have 5 seconds to abort Startup") print("Waiting...") tmr.alarm(0,5000,0,startup) end end)
Le code est assez facile à lire. Une fois les instructions de init.lua terminées, on lance le fichier main.lua. Il est alors possible de faire exécuter les actions de son choix à l'ESP8266.
Imaginons que l'on souhaite faire envoyer des courriels de notification par l'ESP8266 : on utiliserait alors le code suivant dans main.lua. Comme la librairie crypto est utilisée, il faut bien évidemment construire NodeMCU avec cette librairie.
require("crypto") -- The email and password from the account you want to send emails from local LOGIN = "login" local MY_EMAIL = "name@domain.tld" local EMAIL_PASSWORD = "password" -- The SMTP server and port of your email provider. -- If you don't know it google [my email provider] SMTP settings local SMTP_SERVER = "smtp.domain.tld" local SMTP_PORT = "465" -- The account you want to send email to local mail_to = "name@domain.tld" -- These are global variables. Don't change their values -- they will be changed in the functions below local email_subject = "" local email_body = "" local count = 0 local smtp_socket = nil -- will be used as socket to email server -- The display() function will be used to print the SMTP server's response function display(sck,response) print(response) end -- The do_next() function is used to send the SMTP commands to the SMTP server in the required sequence. -- I was going to use socket callbacks but the code would not run callbacks after the first 3. function do_next() if(count == 0)then count = count+1 local IP_ADDRESS = wifi.sta.getip() smtp_socket:send("HELO "..IP_ADDRESS.."\\r\\n") elseif(count==1) then count = count+1 smtp_socket:send("AUTH LOGIN\\r\\n") elseif(count == 2) then count = count + 1 smtp_socket:send(crypto.toBase64(LOGIN).."\\r\\n") elseif(count == 3) then count = count + 1 smtp_socket:send(crypto.toBase64(EMAIL_PASSWORD).."\\r\\n") elseif(count==4) then count = count+1 smtp_socket:send("MAIL FROM:<" .. MY_EMAIL .. ">\\r\\n") elseif(count==5) then count = count+1 smtp_socket:send("RCPT TO:<" .. mail_to ..">\\r\\n") elseif(count==6) then count = count+1 smtp_socket:send("DATA\\r\\n") elseif(count==7) then count = count+1 local message = string.gsub( "From: "".. MY_EMAIL ..""<"..MY_EMAIL..">\\r\\n" .. "To: "".. mail_to .. ""<".. mail_to..">\\r\\n".. "Subject: ".. email_subject .. "\\r\\n\\r\\n" .. email_body,"\\r\\n.\\r\\n","") smtp_socket:send(message.."\\r\\n.\\r\\n") elseif(count==8) then count = count+1 tmr.stop(0) smtp_socket:send("QUIT\\r\\n") else smtp_socket:close() end end -- The connectted() function is executed when the SMTP socket is connected to the SMTP server. -- This function will create a timer to call the do_next function which will send the SMTP commands -- in sequence, one by one, every 5000 milliseconds. -- You can change the time to be smaller if that works for you, I used 5000ms just because. function connected(sck) tmr.alarm(0,5000,1,do_next) end -- @name send_email -- @description Will initiated a socket connection to the SMTP server and trigger the connected() function -- @param subject The email's subject -- @param body The email's body function send_email(subject,body) count = 0 email_subject = subject email_body = body smtp_socket = net.createConnection(net.TCP,1) -- the last paramater indicates the connection is secured by TLS/SSL smtp_socket:on("connection",connected) smtp_socket:on("receive",display) smtp_socket:connect(SMTP_PORT,SMTP_SERVER) end function query() subject = "Notification email" body = "This is the body of the email" send_email(subject,body.."\\n.\\n") end print("Ready to work. Sending email.") query()