Movim’s version numbering

Movim’s version numbering has never been formally explained. We are often asked why we release versions with full numbers that may sound stable but aren’t. Why do we release often some 0.x series software rather than wait until we have at least the minimum of features before releasing at all?

Our version numbering scheme is in fact very simple. It all comes down from our programming method. After each release, we schedule a development meeting in the public room The team members list the goals that they wish to reach for the future release, then these are assessed and the most critical ones are retained for the next Movim release.

Another criterion in the choice of goals is the development rhythm. The allocation of work is designed to fit into a one month period, and we target a 1 to 2 months release date (allowing for unexpected delays). The reason such a short development cycle is it is very motivating to see our work getting released, and we need to feel the community is there at each release and that are work is expected. Without regular releases, our team would have given up long ago.

We don’t use the alpha, beta etc. release model because each release of the 0.x series is a snapshot of the status of Movim taken after a successful mini-roadmap completion.

Movim’s numbering scheme is likely to change after Movim will have passed the 1.0 milestone, where we will also be concerned with maintaining older versions that are stable.

Vus : 333
Publié par Movim : 24