Owncloud 4.0.1 est sortie

Bonjour à tous !

Frank Karlitschek vient tout juste d’annoncer la sortie de la version 4.0.1 d’Owncloud. Au menu, pas d’ajout majeurs puisqu’il s’agit d’une version mineure, mais plusieurs corrections de bugs ainsi que quelques failles de sécurité :

Changelog ownCloud

Release  "4.0.1"
June 4. 2012

- Verify if user exists when loggin (oc-863)
- More efficient log file handling
- PDO requirement check
- Check if apps folder is writable
- prevent division by zero problem during output of free space
- better mysql error message
- correctly configure ldap group backend  (oc-887)
- sort users and groups (oc-779)
- LDAP. correctly handle group filter (oc-867)
- try to switch magic quotes of globally
- fix ategory error reporting (oc-874)
- correctly handle reverse proxy / load balancer https handling
- prevent session already started warning
- fix the files breadcrumb
- don´t try to use smtp auth if config files says no
- fix versioning path
- security: fix a XSS problem in calendar
- make LDAP pqsql compatible
- fix pqsql database migration
- fix ldap config interface
- support for LDAP "member"
- don´t hardcode /tmp
- fix potential security problem for requested apps parameter
- fix notes in contacts properly
- fix timezone detection
- fix interti_id in calendar
- set DB prefix for pqsql
- security: fix a XSS problem in contacts
- correctly encode caldav link
- allow longer path in gallery
- disable not compatible apps during upgrade
- fix HEAD request for downloads
- fix private link sharing via email
- use UTC as default timezone
- style fixes for tasks app

Download: http://owncloud.org/releases/owncloud-4.0.1.tar.bz2
MD5: http://owncloud.org/releases/owncloud-4.0.1.tar.bz2.md5

Pour mettre à jour vers cette nouvelle version, il vous suffit de télécharger ce tarball et de l’extraire dans le dossier de votre installation OwnCloud existante.

Je n’ai pas encore testé cette nouvelle version à l’heure où j’écris ces lignes, j’espère donc qu’elle sera à la hauteur des attentes des utilisateurs, qui sont (faut-il le rappeler) de plus en plus nombreux ! Sur ce, je file mettre à jour mon instance OwnCloud !

Le mail de Frank Karlitschek à la mailing list packaging@owncloud.org :

From: Frank Karlitschek <frank@owncloud.com>
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2012 21:58:39 +0200
To: "packaging@owncloud.org" <packaging@owncloud.org>
Subject: [OwnCloud-Packaging] ownCloud 4.0.1

Hi everybody.

ownCloud 4.0.1 is here.
The official announcement will be tomorrow at 12:00 CET so please don't
spread the news earlier.
We will provide the final tar files for members of this list so that
everybody can prepare the announcement and create packages in time.

Please note that we fixed several security problems. So it's strongly
recommended to upgrade.

The tar files are here:


Starting with this release we will also provide modular tar files
to make it easier to package:

The code is exactly the same as in the monolithic tar file.
This is just for convenience.

We plan to release another bug fix release in 1-2 weeks.


Packaging mailing list

Vus : 1632
Publié par Vinilox : 25